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Welcome to Shorty's Place. My name is Cheryl and I live in Wild, Wonderful West Virginia, home of the
West Virginia University Mountaineers!!!
I hope that your time spent with me is enjoyable.

I am dedicating my homepage to the Lord Jesus Christ, who so unselfishly GAVE HIS LIFE FOR US, that we would be free and have life more abundantly IN HIM. Without him, I would not exist. And it is because of him that I can go on each day. HE alone is my joy and peace.

In my homepage, you will learn more about me and the Lord and find some really facinating links to graphics, music, jokes, backgrounds, and much more! All clean!!! You will also be given the links to start your own homepage through my HTML learning sites.

You may transload/download anything from my links that you would like to use for personal pages only. I only ask that you use them the legal way and DO NOT link directly to my site. I hope that we will become good internet friends and that you'll want to visit me whenever you have the opportunity.

Thanks for stopping by - see you in Cyberspace!!!

This Almost Heaven Webring site is owned by
Cheryl, aka "Shorty", webmaster of:
      Christian - Graphics and much more!.

                Click here for info on how to join the
                 Almost Heaven, West Virginia Webring.

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