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Images by Shawna Watson


Cindy and Steve
Garry and GIna
Jameson and Heather's Wedding

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Fine Art, Infared

Check out the new images on Santa Cruz scenary

Family Portraits

Children at Birthday Parties

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Mindi and Bryan

Gina and Garry

Take a peak into what my dad, Lance Lighthall is doing.

The Kindness Basket

A few years ago around the holiday season my family was having many difficulties. Money was scarce and Christmas was not promising. I have two younger brothers and sisters, and also two older brothers and sisters who were living at home at the time.
Children usually expect a lot of presents and Christmas-like spirit all around. We were living only with my mother, and had just moved to the area. She had no job as of yet, and was not happy.
One day my mother came in from a walk crying. She called all of us children into the living room and sat us around the fire on our small, cozy home. She said she wanted to talk to us about something. I guess we older kids sort of knew what she was going to say.
We quieted down my littls brother and sister and listened intently as my mom spoke with her head down. She said that all she wanted in the world was to make us happy. She had been trying her best to make this Christmas a good one, but it wasn't going to happen.
We had been "broke" since we had moved to the area, we'd been living on rice and potatoes for weeks on end. We never complained. So my mom sat crying, feeling that she was a disappointment to us all. We said, "Mom, we don't need presents, really! We know you love us. Christmas will turn out okay."
She started laughing because she couldn't believe her ears. Neither could we. Of course, deep down, we were a little bummed that there would be no presents, but we understood. We continued for a few days, avoiding the thought of an empty christmas until one day we woke up and, under the front door, found an envelope which contained a check for $400. The address was that of the church we had been attending. We couldn't believe it! That afternoon, three carloads of people pulled into our yard carrying boxes and bags. Our foyer was full of food and gifts that you wouldn't believe! Little by little, tokens of kindness were brought upon our souls. Our household was full of gratitude. We rejoiced and thanked God for watching out for us, keeping five little children happy, and showing them what true kindness is.
When that first check was slid under our door, we decided to dedicate a kindness basket to these mysterious gifts. With each check under the door, each box of food, each special card, and each gift, we wrote the kind act on a piece of paper and put it in the basket. By January, the basket was full of kind acts, and our hearts were full of joy and happiness. That month of difficulties and worry turned out to be the best Christmas ever.
Every once in awhile someone will bring over a box of food or some money will be slid under our door in our cozy little home, and as we add it to our basket, we are forever thankful that there are special people out there who care.
