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May 28, 2000 - Ranma Saotome
I just finished alot of work on the site! I got the Music, Music Videos, Email, Message Board, part of the Image Gallery and a link to vote for me on the Anime top 100. I am planing on finishing this site real soon and alot of it done this week and weekend. If you have a question, comments, or suggestions please send them to me by clicking here
May 28, 2000 - Ranma Saotome
Ok well, I finally got some time to work on the page and it is coming along great! I got the entire Music Video Section up, and I am hoping to get the Music, Image Gallery and Lyrics section up all today! If there not up today I will definitly have them up before the next weekend. Thanks alot. Keep coming 'cause this site is Always under construction.
May 13, 2000 - Ranma Saotome
Ok well, I made a new layout for the page because I didnt like the other one. You like it? It took me about 1 hour an 30 minutes to complete this layout since everything was done with html and javascripting. I will get all the links up and running within 1 - 2 weeks so please be patient and come back and check out the page when it is finished. Thanks alot!
May 12, 2000 - Ranma Saotome
Well this is the first day the page has been up. I just finished working on the main page and the rest should be up within a week or too so please be patient. If you have any questions or comments or suggestions please e-mail the to me by clicking here

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