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The Begining

The Begining~

    Laughter bubbled up and out, upon the night air, followed by a unicorns whinny.
    Rhiannon flew above the clouds, riding upon firestars back,
    she loved flying with firestar, playing tag with the clouds.
    Below her the turrets of the castle could be seen through the clouds.
    Firestar was her best friend, next to Lissa.
    Off in the distance, the stone ring was visable,guarded by the
    Ancient Stone sentries. Suddenly thunder split the air, as lightening streaked
    across the sky towards the stone ring. Just as the lightening reached the stone ring,
    a warrior upon his warhorse, was illuminated within the circle beside the stone ring.
    This could not be, it was not the appointed time, and a mortal within the circle
    this side of the veil, could not be?

    "Its magic, Rhiannon only the learned can pass through the veil, tis magic for sure"
    Firestar's words sent a thread of alarm through Rhiannon. For the prophesy surrounding her
    since birth, had a dark side as well as a light side. Just then the lightening struck
    the warrior and his horse, the horse rearing throwing the warrior to the ground..
    Pain lanced across Rhiannon's features, seeing the warrior fall, had engulfed her with
    his pain. Why was this? Yet a sense of feeling the warriors pain reached out and engulfed her.
    Rhiannon urged Firestar to race to the fallen man. A near panic engulfing her to reach his side.
    Rhiannon knelt at the warriors side. Resting his head in her lap. She needed to get him inside
    out of the night air. Rhiannon felt the man's chill as if it were her own. The thought of losing him
    through the chill in the air, set off a near panic within her. Why? It had to be the fact she would hate
    to lose to the night air, one who the Ancient ones, and the stone ring considered worthy to pass through the veil,
    that was all it was, it had to be that nothing else surely'"

    As Rhiannons' gaze slid over the warrior's features, strength was the overwhelming feature reflecting
    back to her from the warrior. He was handsome in the way warrior's were beautiful, the beauty of a raging storm,
    rather then the delicate beauty of a fawn. A need to touch the warrior was growing inside her now.
    She found it hard to breathe all of a sudden. She needed to touch him, know the texture, his very essense,
    more then she had ever needed to know anything else. This ravenous need frightened Rhiannon, this stranger called
    to her in a voice without sound, compelled her in a way she could not deny nor understand.
    Rhiannon laid her palm on the warriors' cheek. The pleasure this brought her was so intense. Rhiannon cried out from it,
    withdrawing her hand at first it startled her so. Then as a moth is drawn to the flame of the candle,
    she returned her palm to the warriors cheek. The moment she touched the warrior's cheek again,
    Sweet pleasure surged up within her. It was like entering into a pool of liquid fire, a sweet fire of the senses.
    Slowly her senses returned to normal, and she became aware that Firestar had been calling to her for several minutes.
    Her senses had been so snared by the warrior, "What is it?",Firestar urgantly asked,"I have had never seen you so consumed."
    Rhiannon calmed her friend, "I am fine just that I have never felt this before." "Never has my fey senses or gifts shown,
    such sweet feelings as this, it is as if the morning has burst into glorious sunshine."
    Firestar replied,"aaahh, yes such a fine feeling is it not?" As his eyes took on a faraway gleam of rememberance

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