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Codex: Sisters of Battle Preview

Fleur de Lys
Here is a preview of what Codex: Sisters of Battle might contain. This is tentative to say the least, so don't get mad if something doesn't appear.

  1. The army list will contain two new tanks. One will have a plasma cannon and be a transport for confessors that allows nearby models to reroll misses in assaults. The other will fire D6 krak missiles. They will probably be variants of the Immolator.

  2. There will be special Frateris-like bodyguards available for Confessors and Missionaries, except they will have slightly better stats.

  3. There will be new elite battle sisters squads equipped with up to 4 special weapons.

  4. There will be squads of Necromundan Redemptionists.

  5. The Frateris Militia will make a return and will still have the option of riding horses. The normal Frateris bands can have up to 50 members each!!

  6. Immolators will have other options, such as twin-linked multimeltas and twin-linked heavy bolters.

  7. There will be Cardinals in addition to Preachers.

  8. There will be Islamic Fundamentalist suicide bombers called martyrs(think Saddam Hussein time warping some of his lunatics to the 41st millenium).

  9. The confessor and missionary bodyguards will be able to have sisters from the orders other than the Orders Militant(such as Orders Famulous, Orders Hospitaller, etc.)

  10. There will be a weaker form of Battle Sisters(how can they get any weaker you say?!?!?) called Novices give more low point-cost troops.

  11. There will be too many normal humans like Flagellants, Heretics, and Redemptionists. I hope they don't add these troops because they would ruin the image of the Adepta Sororitas. If all these mere humans are included then I know they will have no place beside my noble Sisters and their ONE foot band of Militia and ONE mounted band of militia.

    That's about all I can tell you right now, but if I find something new I'll stick it here.

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