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Pikachu's Pokémon Codes

12/26 I called wizards of the coast today and I found out the release date for another Pokemon card set. Rocket. It is coming out sometime in March. Further information was unavailable :( And Pikachu's Pokemon Codes is trying to gain some exp. points so it can evolve. So, sorry about the downloads and Pics sections, I took them down for repair. Happy New Year!!

12/19 I have some proven theories on FAQ people have asked me when it comes to Pokemon Cards (how they get scratched,preventing scratches,spotting fake cards). Read all about it in the TCG section or click here.

12/17 I want to wish you all visiting my site a Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year.....P.S. I am going to try to update more frequently ^_^

11/28 I redesigned the trivia and made it more interactive... You can now click the answers.

Pokemon Poll
What pokemon would you choose to have for real?


I would like to have a "debate". Please feel free to list your comments about what pokemon of Ash's should evolve and which pokemon of Ash should capture next.
