Welcome to The Rant.

This page was inspired by the fact that when something pisses me off and I write about it, I feel a whole lot better afterwards.

Enjoy The Rant.


Wow, has it really been four months? Gah, time flies.

Here's a rant, it sucks, but who cares.

Sooner or later I'll get my hands on a scanner and "wow" you all with my artistic talent. By the way, screw the Chihuahua's Hideout. I don't update enough to make it worth while and I hate drawing with a mouse so I won't do any more Death comics for a while.


I'm back with a new rant for the first time in nearly 2 months! I thank Allen for buying Resident Evil at the beginning of the summer for my survival. I wouldn't have kept my sanity this long if it hadn't been for my frequent escapes to a spooky mansion infested with zombies and skinless dogs and cluttered with bizzare logic puzzles. Ironic isn't it.

I'm never working 2 jobs ever again, and in less than 2 weeks my life will gain sanity once more. I sleep with a shotgun under my pillow in case zombies come for me in my sleep though.


Posted a new rant. I didn't write this one though, it's by a friend of mine who goes by the alias "Robert Ranting"

Let me know what you think.

5/8/00 Posted a new rant inspired by all the crappy-yet-popular "rock" stars that have been appearing lately.


HEY! Would you look at this! A NEW RANT! (feel free to die of shock anytime now)

This week's (month?) rant is about how much I hate the media.

I didn't do anything on spring break, lounging around doing nothing felt good :)

Enjoy The Rant.

The Rants

School Policies-12/1/99
Artificial Flavors-12/7/99
Christmas Over-Hype-12/13/99
Mario Made Me Do It!-12/20/99
Crappy Anime!-2/8/00
Crappy License use-3/13/00
The Media Sucks-4/12/00
Crappy Rock Stars-5/8/00
Guest Rant: Violence in School Books - 6/15/00
Chat Room Rant - 6/21/00
There's Something About American Pie - 8/2/00
Christmas Over-Hype Part Duex

Updated 3/15/00 Lesser Rants

Since I always find some way to use Sharkey's exploding Jigglypuff in my rants, I probably should link to his page.

NOTE: This link WORKS now!

Coming Rants:

Rant by Nick Faulhaber