Random quote archive


"So I'll put down my sword, and you'll put down your rock and we'll try and kill each other like civilized men?

-Wessly (sp?) (The Princess Bride)

I think you need to burn it...


"What do you want?"

"I'd like to live just long enough to be there when they cut off your head and stick it on a pike as a warning to the next ten generations that some favors come with too high a price. I'd look up at your lifeless eyes and wave just like this. Can you and your associates arrange it for me, Mr. Morden?"

-Morden and then vir (Babylon 5)

now if only I had an animated picture of that wave it would make the whole thing complete......


"My childhood was a period of waiting for the moment when I could send everyone and everything connected with it to hell."

-Igor Stravinsky (Sharkey's page)

I don't feel like killing everyone but that's a fair accordance to my mood.



-One of the girls from DICK (DICK)



-one of the girls from DICK (DICK)

I have nothing to say


"This is the White Star Fleet. Negative on surrender...we will not stand down."
"Who is this? Identify yourself."
"Who am I? I am Susan Ivanova, Commander, daughter of Andrei and Sophie Ivanov. I am the right hand of vengeance, and the boot that is going to kick your sorry ass all the way back to Earth ... I am Death incarnate, and the last living thing that you are ever going to see. God sent me."

-Comander Susan Ivonova and some captain guy (Babylon 5)

I AM THE LIZARD KING!!!! well, not really but it's fun to say.


""Commander! Did you threaten to grab hold of this man by the collar and throw him out an airlock?"
"Yes I did."
"I'm shocked. Shocked and dismayed. I'd remind you that we are short on supplies here. We can't afford to take perfectly good clothing and throw it out into space. Always take the jacket off first, I've told you that before. Sorry, she meant to say: 'Stripped naked and thrown out an airlock.' I apologize for any confusion this may have caused." ."

-Captain Sheridan and Comander Susan Ivonova (Babylon 5)



"I used to think my brain was the most wonderful organ in my body. then i realized who was telling me this."

-Megan's computer (life)

YAY!!! LIFE IS GOOD!!! for now... to much running in basketball but everything else is good. My favorite person gave me this quote to :-).


"WAIT YOU FORGOT YOUR SWORD!!!! ..... my baby is all grown up and killin people."

-Mushu (Mulan)

I think I may be over all my emotional problems..... for now anyways.


"Before you criticize someone walk a mile in their shoes. That way when you criticize them you'll be a mile away and will have their shoes."

-list of funny sayings (life)

Me and Megan got back together like 2 hours after we broke up :-).


"This is just like in that movie...."

-Rick (Dino Crisis)

Me and Megan broke up :-( and on a happier note Rick's kind of funny.



-Tyler (Heavy Metal 2000)

and the guys not getting any from me because I am definately NOT!!! that way.


"Having these balls gives me something that resembles joy I think.... I want to caress them."

-Frieza (a Dragonball Z I saw because my sisters don't know how to turn off the tv)

That just sounds sooooo wrong.


"A castle in the sky just like that fairy tale little rumpelstiltskin and the three bears."

-Johnny Bravo (Johnny Bravo)

Resident Evil 2 is gooooooooooooood.


"Not being able to speak isn't the same as not speaking, you seem as if you like to talk, I like to let people talk who like to talk it makes it easier to find out how full of shit they are."

-Whoever Jackie Chan's character is (Rush Hour)

Well, this isn't for any of you all unless your name is Megan E. Powell so you might as well not read it so...... Megan I love you and I'm going to really really miss you while your on vacation.


"I'm fine.... That hero stuff is harder than it looks."

-Carlos (Resident Evil 3)

uhhhhhh..... can't think of anything at the moment.


"I'd like to apologize to everyone in advance for this."

-Dean (The Iron Giant when he's letting a squirrel out of his pants in a diner)

well maybe it's funnier if you see it.


"..... and I had no idea who they were but I could tell you one thing.... their car was crap."

-Darian I think (The invisible man)

YAY! I got one.... but megan is sick :-(.


"and introducing the challenger!!!.... some loser with a stick'"

-Announcer (Secret of Evermore)

sorry but I've run out of good quotes.... I badly need to find more.


"Stand up straight young man you could be 6'6''"

-Quido the Swordsman (Renaisance Festival/life after he saw me walk by slouching)

maybe I should stand up straight like megan and everyone else wants me to.


"Oh if only it were that easy... Wouldn't that just be the happy ending everyone paid to see?"

-Magic Emperor (Lunar)

school's out and I miss megan.


"Everyone knows Sprite is the most explosive thing in the world, and everyone knows that the only thing more explosive than sprite is diet sprite and everyone knows that the only thing more explosive than diet sprite is caffiene free diet sprite, and everyone knows sprite is caffiene free to begin with."

-member of the track team (life)

Today sucked in blowed in more ways than one.


"Fee Fi Fo Fum, Which beanstalk did you fall from?."

-Major Payne (Major Payne)

the one behind the barn.


"Come comrade greeting card it is time to loot and plunder."

-Bender (Futurama)

I'm scared for life thanks to that episode.


"Wow, with your thick skull this really is advanced technology."

-Hanpan (Wild Arms)

I don't have anything to say.


"Just put him in the car and take him to his basket."

-WEBN (some clip from a comedian they played)

gee dad I never would have thought to look at the train tracks.


"No Ally it's in my ass... I have a brain tumor in my ass."

-not sure (The only ally mcbeal I've ever seen in my life)

upon being threatened I have decided to change the quote.

"We're looking up prices on stocks so Allen will know how much he loses when I disinherit him."

-my dad of all people (just last night when he ran me off th ecomputer and my girlfriend got on)

I think he was just joking....


"For you, the day Bison graced your village with his presence was the most important day of your life but to me... it was Tuesday."

-Bison (Street Fighter)

There a new quote that you've been bugging me for.... Happy now?.


"BOOZE BOOZE heh heh! oh yeah... and uh... where's the gold card."

-Lute (Saga Frontier)

There I actually did one since your so impatient.


"You Idoit! This is your chance to beat him for good and your philophosizing about fairness."

-Dr. Klein (Saga Frontier)

I need bad movies and more Ridilyn.


"When I just can't stop fiddilin
I just take my Ridilyn
I'm poppin and sailin man."

-Bart Simpson (The Simpsons)

*pops Ridilyn in mouth* that'll get me through this movie


"My day was about as interesting as a paper clip."

-me (life)

Surprisingly to some people paper clips are entertaining


"As soon as I get out of the Bermuda Triangle I'll barbeque that Kangaroo boy and his ducks!"

-some captain guy (Rocko's Modern Life)

No talking during the movie


"But I like ramming ducks!"

-some captain guy (Rocko's Modern Life)

I think I'll make Ross pay


"I'm glad your having fun but the pretty clouds are gone now and we're falling!."

-Prettz (Final Fantasy Anime)

And I'm damned to hell by Brandon


"There's nothing like being raped by a big black guy named Bubba to lighten your day."

-Brian (life and I'm serious)

He scares me


"Beat all the niggers
Beat whoever you see
Don't need a reason
(We're) L.A.P.D.."

-The Offpsring (L.A.P.D.)

The Offspring rule!!!!!!


"The water is ecspecially wet this time of year."

-the hero (Quest for Glory 4)

and cold to


"I had one five minutes ago."

-me (life)

I DON'T KNOW111111 oops !!!!!!!!


"The 230 pounds on him looks a lot better than the 230 pounds on me."

-some announcer at the Super bowl (Super bowl)

*slamming head on table*DAMN!! DAMN!! DAMN!! DAMN!! DAMN!! DAMN!! *stops blinks and ponders life* uh *starts slamming head again* DAMN!! DAMN!! DAMN!! DAMN!! DAMN!! DAMN!! DAMN!! DAMN!!


"This sucks"

-me and just about everyone else in the world (Life)

Damn, people know about this now. Oh well. Maybe now I can have some more fun with it


"Squall, give me a hug"

-Rinoa (Final Fantasy VIII)

Megan, give me a hug



-Rinoa (Final Fantasy VIII)



"One hundred monkeys working at a hundred typewriters to create the best book of all time. Chapter 1 It was the best of times, it was the blurst of times. You stupid monkey!"

-Mr. Burns (The Simpsons)

Man fall down. funny.


"Bite me Glen"

-my dad (day at work after new years when he got fed up with Glen joking around saying "it must be a Y2K thing")

I'm running out of things to say.


"Anyone can act smart, but only a true genious can act stupid"

-Mark Twain (???????)

I wonder if anyone ever reads this.


"Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
can't sleep, clown will eat me.
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.

-me and everyone else the clowns are after. (Real life)

*snores*huh what*sits up* damn they almost got me that time.


"I think so Brain, but where will we find a duck and a hose at this hour."

-Pinky (Pinky and the Brain)

I've got a whole list for whenever I need quotes hehehehe.


"Through hard work and bad hygene I can accomplish anything."

-Kyle (Lunar)

That's sick.


"Bigger isn't always better, but it sure is bigger."

-Pumba (Timon and Pumba the series)

I feel so dirty but I guess it's not my fault *mumbles*dumb sisters.

"Kyle is the best bandit... uh wealth redistribution specialist I know."

-some guy (Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete)

Kyle's a hoot I just got him today and he is the funniest character I've run into.


"I was saving to last of my energy to bite of that damn woman's head off but I guess I better save San"

-The Big Wolf (Princess Mononoke)

That was a cool movie.


"You ninny ninny dumb dumb poopy head!"

-Nall (Lunar Silver Star Story)

*cries*It's just so insulting, I just can't take it anymore.


"OH NO!!! They trampled the carpet. That's a little redundent, so this really isn't a bad day for you"

-Genie (Aladdin and the King of thieves)

I can't believe it, I'm losing to a rug.


"If I ruled the world the fighting would be done with little green men with pointy ears and explosives tied around their waists"


We've got explosives! Kaboom!!



-The guards in Half-Life when my grenade drops in front of their unsuspecting faces.

Sadistic Bastard aren't I?


"Hey, ya'll watch this!"

-Rednecks last words.

Tip to Rednecks:Just watch your rastlin' Dumbasses.


"Waoh! They got a lot of guys!"

-Custard's last words

I wonder what my last words will be?