Brandon: Hey, Nick. Bite me.

Yes, there's been an almost two year. Yeeeees, there's been a whole lot of nothing. But, hey, remember who was the first to slack off.

Stuff that's new with me, out of boredom:

Nick: You all might notice the year and 9 month gap between updates, I can explain that.

We are lazy bastards. Period.

Well, that and I couldn't figure out how to get back on the webpage because angelfire changed the username from /wv/mtnevermind to wv/mtnevermind and it took me a while to figure it out.

I'm not even sure why I'm back at work on this site. I don't have any shitty games to review, or even shitty movies. I'm now in college and no longer an angst-ridden high school student with a need to lash out at something stupid for the amusement of myself and others.

Come to think of it, I was never even angst-ridden in the first place.

Anyway: Things that have changed in the last year and 9 months.

Well, that's it for this update, I may actually put something useful or entertaining later. It's Unreal Tournament time.


Allen:Well, here I am again, in a decent mood thanks to some penny arcade and no ideas. I won't have time to do jack tonight and unless we get off school tommorow for snow (which half the school thinks we will) I won't have time tomorrow. I will however have pleny of time Saturday (or so I think...) and if there is I have an idea for a rant (but I'm not mad right now) and I may be able to do a mini theatre with X-Men.... it may work but I don't know. As to the other members.... Nick is well.... he's nota full member, but he's planning on using the page for an online comic strip if he finds a way to scan it.... and Ross... well he's just lazy.... I'll update later....


Allen: I am mortally offended!!!! I am in an exceptionally great mood for once and I can't think of anything I want to do on the page at the moment!!!! I mean I've been sick the past few days but I'm over that now and I've had some caffiene and I'm just generally in a good mood. I had an idea last night when I was pissed off because of the wrongness of Disney (I'll do a rant later) but I'm not in the mood for that. I'm in a great mood and I CAN'T DO A FUCKING THING!!!! THAT'S JUST WRONG!!!!

oh well.... I could come up with something later but I probably won't be in a good mood after my basketball game tonight (damn Adam Workman.... damn him to hell... the annoying bastard).... hope for an update.... until then I leave you with a new quote


Allen: Well, this is here to tell you that I may not be updating for a while. After tommorow in networking class when I fill out Ross' bio (which won't be right) as a ploy to get him into the page account so he might actually update sometime. The next time I even attempt to update after tommorow will be when I somehow manage to get into a better mood (my next extremem caffiene high which is yet undertimitable). I added my email address and my aol screen name (in case people ever want to talk to me for some unknown reason) to my bio because I realized that they weren't there and it was information I didn't have on there. There are concievably a few more things I can put on there but I'm not up to it right now.... until next time... hope you laugh your ass off.


Allen: I added yet another new section to the page.... the difference being... I plan on doing this one for a while if not forever. It's here for your enjoyment and I've started a new place in case you want to go and check out the older news.... big surprise it's the new link on the NEWS title right above here.


Allen:first of all I don't thinkNick made this big enough.... soooo.....


I put up a song parody even though I do't think it's to good... oh well.... I'll try and do some if were off school tommorow for snow.




Nick here, I updated. Die of shock, as usual. It's been so long since anyone has updated that I'll bet nobody checks anymore. New Rant. Enjoy. Well, probably not, it kinda sucked.


Allen: I finished the movie review I meant to do the other day.... I also noticed that the classifications I gave the different sections doesn't work to well... oh well I may fix it later.


Allen: Well this was meant for yesterday and there was an update to go with it but the internet screwed up for a while and I didn't finish it and I never got the computer again. and since yesterday was my birthday....

Happy birthday to me, Happy birthday to me, Happy birthday dear Allen, Happy birthday to me.

There I'm done with that. I'll put a movie review up whenever I have time to finish it.


Allen: Well tommorow is election day. Since I can't vote there really isn't much point in paying attention to debates quite yet and I really don't have a preference as to who wins with the exception of one thing.... I wouldn't mind if Gore won just so I could laugh at all of the people in my school who won't be able to vote for another two or three years that go around talking about how Bush should winand everyone should vote for Bush. I'm serious to.... there's all these freshman and sophomores (I'm a sophomore but I don't do this) that run around saying "VOTE FOR BUSH!!".

In other news me and my girlfriend broke up just a little while ago today. I'm not sure what to make of it now so I'm sure I'll be really fucking depressed tommorow. Oh well.... I'll worry about that tommorow.


Allen:I wrote a new movie review.... I will review another one shortly... I have lots of homework to do this weekend so it may be a little while before it gets up. So enjoy what you get.


Allen: Well, since we have 50 megabytes to play with instead of just 5 we have decided to take up..... the porn business!!!

Well, even if we wanted to we couldn't really go into the porn business.... there's slight problems with an agreement and rules that will get us kicked off if we did.

I finished moving everything... I can not only find things now but it should be easier for you (once you get used to it) to find things. I moved the quote so I may actually see it when I'm seeing if Ross has done anything and actually change it and I added a bio for me and added a new section. Enjoy.


Allen:Well the reorganization is almost complete. I have moved around pictures so I can actally find the actual pages easier. This makes it a lot easier on me so it hopefully won't take much more than a day or two. If you still bother coming to the page I would like to thank you for waiting on our lazy asses.


Nick Here: I figured I'd post it here or nobody would notice. I updated The Chihuahua's Hideout.


Allen: Well, it may be a while before any of the actual sections is updated with a new column. Me and Ross the last to join and the last to stay have decided to remodel the page slightly. We'll be adding a couple new sections and moving things around. If you have any suggestions I will glady take them and see if I can put them to use. Please send them to me at (I may change that soon but I'll still check it for a while) or you can email Ross with suggestions


Allen: Well, we all know that Ross gets off on polygons and ink. I have discovered his new dream girl. It is a slight change from the old one who he still craves. Here she is if you don't remember...

This isn't the picture I was hoping to find of her but her it is...

Finally revealed...