4 out of 5 Ranma Characters agree, this stuff is EVIL!

This is the Page of Evil. The dark cave in Mt. Nevermind, in which I put all of the evil things I've found in life. Okay, some of them. Most require knowledge of diffrent anime, but never the less, some of these are just Evil Evil Evil stuff.

Animeham Two, Coming to a Group of Otaku Near You!

- Semi Serious Web Page Thing for a Series of Parties We Have.

Take me to your cola.

E-mail the E-vil.

Meep. EVIL! I found this on Googles site, and it almost made me rip my monitor off.

I have a friends suggestion of a girl that looks like an anime character, but lets save that for later, so I don't kill some of you people.

Evil Things.

Word Searches
Bad Icky Naughty Hentai Toma Evil Stuff. Scarier than Azusa in a bikini. . . God, that was a horrible preview.
Who would actually do this?
Too scary for words. Anyone deny's it's Evil, and I'll send you a pizza. Made by Akane.
Van-SAMA! (Requires Escaflowne knowledge)
Merle and Shampoo. (Escaflowne and Ranma knowledge required) (Joke by Ash Ice)
The Toy Store that Time Forgot.
Gotta dance.
Get me outta here!
Such a freaky thing to be seen after exiting hotmail
A View of a Rejected Boy Band Applicant
Ranma or Rocko? You decide (Note - this line takes Ranma 1/2 knowledge to be funny, but the image is evil either way.)
If Rush Limbo got his way.
Dragon Ball waZzup. Note, we didn't make this. Rocks so much, it's just evil.
Canadian Mega Man X and Zero
The Thing That Came From Google