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Well, I don't know if this will be of interest to anyone except myself, but any time I get a little treasure, I love to have show and tell and how can one resist show and tell to the whole world?!!

Treasures from NAME National Houseparty in Charlotte, NC

If you're a member of Small Stuff digest, you were subjected to my book-length report on my first-ever houseparty. It was just a wonderful, wonderful 4 days and I'm delighted to show you pictures of all the little treasures I purchased along with the incredible souvenirs every participant received. As usual, the pictures don't do the subject justice!

These first pictures are all pieces I purchased when I "rediscovered" Marcia Gardner in the sales room (I explain my discovery further down the page). The Welch dresser is exactly what I was looking for for a roombox I want to make of an old-fashioned kitchen. I bought one of those cream and brass German stoves years ago and will use that and this dresser to build a scene around. The little cherry side table is also by Marcia and will go in the same room as the cherry desk below.

The plate rack and whatnot shelf are also cherry - I bought "in quantity" cause Marcia told me that this was her last show. The two little plates are from Eileen Vernon.

The canopy bed and dining room set are both 1/2" scale to go with the little couch and chair pictured further down the page. The show had a nice amount of smaller scale items and I was delighted to find these for the half-inch house I'm building.

Next are the quarter inch items I purchased from Susan Hoeltge. I think her work is just wonderful and I'm especially tickled with the painted hutch. I had purchased a little farmhouse type kit from her at a show in Cincinnati, so this is the start of furnishings for that house.

And, finally the true treasures and, oh, how I wish this picture was better. It shows the three "souvenirs" we received - one at each meal provided by the houseparty. There is a beautiful gathering of flowers made by Gerry Warner and all tied up in a pretty blue ribbon, an ornately framed mirror made by Marcia Gardner, and a wonderful tilt-top table made by Tom Woelfel. Understand, these three artists made 1110 of these items and NAME gave them to us! I had no idea that they did anything like this and was absolutely thrilled each time we opened one.

The next picture is the very first "special" piece I purchased probably 5 or 6 years ago now at a show in Louisville KY or Evansville IN. Back then I didn't know to keep track of purchases and I've kicked myself ever since cause I had no idea who I purchased this from and wanted to buy some more of her work. Well, lo and behold, when I got to the NAME Houseparty, I found her! It was made by Marcia Gardner who made the souvenir mirror above. Anyway, this is a little handmade desk made from cherry and it has the most flawless, smooth finish I've come across. It is still probably my favorite piece. And actually this picture has two other treasures - the Windsor chair is also handmade from cherry - it was given to me by a friend of mine (I was flabbergasted!) and the little figurine on the desk is a Goebel Olszewski. My daughter gave it to me for my birthday!

Next, I've got pictures of the pieces I purchased at the Tom Bishop Chicago International Show in the spring of 1999. That was my first ever Tom Bishop show and it was an experience I'll remember for quite a while. The whole time I was there and buying more than I had planned on, I kept telling myself "well, you'll probably never do this again, so it's all right." But no sooner did I get home than I found myself thinking of ways I might be able to go again next year! Anyway, the next two pieces are for a roombox I plan to do for my oldest daughter who is quite a pool shark! I had already purchased a beautiful pool table from Mark and Sharon Stockton a year or so ago and had planned in my head how I want the finished scene to look. I'm picturing it as a very rich, darkish, but not real masculine scene. Sort of the gaslight era with dark wood, burgundy and green papers, fireplace, etc. So when I saw these two pieces, well....I just had to get them!
I purchased the settee from Lilliput Land and it is made by David Booth. I love the little rolled bolsters at each end. The leather chair I purchased from Ray Whitledge and Associates and I'll have to find out for sure who made it. It has an escutcheon symbol on the bottom.

The next two pieces are for the roombox I plan to make my son. I have always loved his apartment and plan to base his roombox on that. It won't be exactly duplicated but will follow his style and interests. He is an avid collector of cobalt glass and I had already purchased a couple of pieces of that for him. At the show I was really taken with Jim Pounder's bronze sculptures and was debating getting an art deco type lamp for my son's room. But then I saw this little, absolutely unbelievably thin and graceful statue and decided I had to get that. And since it didn't cost as much as the lamps, I felt justified in also buying him this cobalt vase, hand blown by Jim Pounder. It was the only piece of cobalt he had at his table (at least when I got there) so I felt lucky to find it.

And now, the last two little pieces are for me : ) I just recently started building my first 1/2" scale dollhouse and have two other 1/2" scale kits waiting patiently in the wings. I had decided that if I was ever going to keep a dollhouse for myself it would have to be in a smaller scale because I don't have room for a nice big 1" scale house. I had also discovered Brodnax wallpapers in their Victorian and Edwardian designs and fell in love with them so when I saw this little loveseat and chair, it seemed like fate to me!

The little loveseat is only about 3 inches wide so I think the upholstered detailing on the back is pretty wonderful. Both of these pieces were made by and purchased from Donna and Jim Johnson from Greenville, OH.

Thanks so much for taking a minute to let me share these pictures with you. Now that I've got the page started, I will occasionally be posting more pictures of other pieces in my "treasure trove". So, please drop by again.

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