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October 1, 2001

"No, I don't understand my husband's theory of relativity, but I know my husband and I know he can be trusted."
~ Elsa Einstein

I think I'm going to drop out of college and have an existential crisis.

That sounds really good until I realize that having an existential involves laying around on my parents' couch watching daytime television and wondering where I've gone wrong, while most of the people I care about would be far away, either at college or studying abroad, having fantastic adventures and pausing every once in a while to reflect on what a shame it was that I had to go that way.

(although I do think a couple days of mooching around and eating junk food could do me some good. I am *so* sick of carrots.)

So I was at the subway today, and the woman taking the orders told the woman making the sandwhiches to make a chicken ceasar sub. And she's like "'chicken' ceasar?"
Like she did air quotes around the word "chicken."
I am *so* not comfortable with having my food talked about that way.
(at least it wasn't "pork" of some kind.)

Luck and Love,

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