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Little89's Way

Hary Potter is the best books I ever read! The last movie is in 2 parts, the name is Hary Potter and the Deathly Hallows to be playing in theatres on Nov 19 2010. The next part should be next year. the last of the movies on my birthday, July 15th 2011!!!!!!

If wanna know the pasword to the one part of my site, actually my biography,just ask or email for it ( )...
Well i like most sports except tennis.i love music cant live without it, favorite all oldies from 80's back to 50's, new music is good as wel some of it, like it all to, especially ones you can jam or dance too. *depending on mood* if ya know what i mean. Harry Potter rules, go ahead laugh,lmfao, but who has a billion dollar industry now.hahaha no really i picked the book up off the shelf and from there i just liked it and i have a tattoo to show.

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Enjoy The Song
jesse McCarney- How Do You Sleep!!