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Just a few pics from The weekend of April 8th, 2000. Bands featured were: Psychrist, Encabulos, Volatile, Deluge, Decayed Divinity, Miscreation and Syphilis. I went along to the gig with my long time friend, Crazy Lisa. We arrived in plenty of time to see the first band, but we didn't watch them as we were too busy catching up with alot of old friends neither of us had seen in some time. The first band I watched was Miscreation. A fairly new and upcoming bunch of lager louts from Sydney, they played well, and the crowd took them like a fuckwit takes to Limp Cockshit. The singer is obviously a true Aussie metalhead, as he sings with the mic in one hand and a BEER in the other! Next up were Decayed Divinity. What a kick ass band these guys are. Doomy, gloomy BM band that will have a great career if they play their cards right. Good use of keyboards, and of course Rob, singer/bassist has a bad ass stage presense. Just the sheer size of him is amazing! (Note: I've known Rob for some years now, and I know he won't mind my compliment on his "size" hee hee) Next band I saw was the infamous Lager Louts, Volatile. The biggest bunch of social misfits I've ever had the pleasure of meeting. I lived around the corner from these guys a few years ago, and many a drunken night was spent at the torture chambers of Volatile. Their sets are always highly entertaining, complete with Kane cooking the almost expected BBQ on stage and handing out sausage sandwiches to crowd. All in all, Volatile would still have to be the most entertaining band in Sydney, unless Sad Ex are playing. :o) And finally to Psychrist. Now this is a band with a big future, if only they could keep the line up stable and release another CD!!! Psychrist hail from Australia's capital, Canberra, and as always they kicked my ass to the fucking moon and back. Playing a variety of mostly songs from the new CD, and a few golden oldies, the crowd was right there with them. Headbanging, and screaming like maniacs we kept the vibe going until the very last note was played. I hadn't seen them play in like 3 years, and it was worth the fucking wait. I can't wait for the next gig! Keep it true and support Sydney metal. Now on to the pics. P.s: You're probably wondering where the pics of Psychrist are. Well, I loaded a new roll of film into the camera and it took one photo and then died on me. And because I was a little drunk, I didn't give a shit and just went on partying. :P Next Psychrist gig I go to, I'll take pics there OK?!?!?!?!!! Now, piss off and look at the pics already!!!


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