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About H&N TV and H&N Music News

Hear & Now will be re-locating (again!) in December. Stay tuned.

But please still feel free to contact us at our current address:

Hear & Now
455 South Atlantic Ave. Apartment #3
Pittsburgh, PA 15224

ear & Now features a variety of new music: hard rock, pop, ska, punk, industrial, metal, techno ..... or whatever is new and exciting.
If you are an artist or label, and are interested in getting your stuff out there, we'd like to hear from you! The old playlists are still available, though the television series is indefinitely on hold.

You can, of course, still send promo tapes and CDs for a review on Hear & Now On-line. (We'd love to accept vinyl but unfortunately can't -- sorry.) You can see some of the reviews here.
Of course, any clippings, press releases, stickers, whatever, are quite helpful and appreciated.

If you wish to contact us through electronic means, please send an e-mail..

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material ©2002 hear & now. any reproduction without permission from author is just plain wrong.