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My Amigos


Friends, you gotta have them. They're the people who know you the best and still love you! You probably will never meet these persons, but they're dear to my heart. For now, I'm posting the ones I have pictures scanned in, plus a few others. I'll add more later This includes more of some of my new buds from Campus Light (Don't worry Turtle, I didn't forget you!) This page takes awhile to load. Please be patient!

The gang's all here Look! It's a Bill party! There's nothing that compares to a good Bill Party! Held at Bill's house, they involve music, fun, jokes (Usually sick ones)and a few raging vegetable fights. Never boring!
Amy Jo Introducing Amy, my best bud, and my roommate when we both went to West Liberty. Ames has a great sense of humor (the more perverted the better). She's always honest with ya and never lets you down. We've been friends as long as I can remember. Amy's at Wheeling Jesuit majoring in nuclear therapy and causing lots of trouble! At least I get to see her during the summer. I miss her bunches when I'm at Marshall
Amy H This is another Amy I love, and a sweet one at that. Amy H is just as perverted as the rest of us and enjoys a good time. Major Eeyore fan here. She's a got a good guy and we're all happy for her (Lucky little bitch!! :) ) Just kidding. :) Amy's up at West Lib, studying to become a pillar to society! :)
Becky and Amigo Presenting Becky and Amigo, right after a good day at the horse show! Becky and I met in high school. We're both horse nuts, (although Becky is a better rider) Her horse Amigo is one of the most sweetest I know. Becky's majoring in English at West Lib, and boy can this girl write! I think professors frame her papers for other students to see! Becky may seem quiet, but things aren't always what they seem. Very intelligent and witty sense of humor.
Jen and Sarah On the right is cute little Jenbug! Jen and I met last year out at West Lib. She's a Phsychology major. (She uses me for her studies of abnormal phsychology!) Jen is a complete sweethart. She's transfered to Marshall this fall too. She went to Marshall her freshman year so she showed me around town. It's through Jen I met everyone at Campus Light. And I thank her for that!
On your left is Sarah, her roommate. To meet her you would never guess that Sarah is only a freshman. This girl has it all together. Very intellignet and only occasionally sarcastic :) Sarah is great to chill with. Not one to hold back, she usually tells it like it is! She is getting married this summer and I wish her the best of luck.
Amy and RickYet another Amy!! I call her Wetzel. The guy on her right is Rick, her fiance. (All my friends are getting hitched!!) Amy is staying at good ol' West Liberty to major in elementary ed. She's really good with kids and even teaches dances classes at a local studio. (Excellent dancer) We tease each other alot, but we still have fun!
Bill and Charity It's Bill and Charity! Everyone loves these two! I'll start with Bill. He's the best guy friend I've ever had. This man has got it all. Good sense of humor, great taste in movies, and a huge heart (ahhhhhh :) ) Weekend paintball warrior, Bill attends Westminster University.
Charity is Bill's best friend (no they're not dating) Charity has what you call a sunny disposition. Well known for her smiley collection. Charity's up at West Lib.
Mark Here's Mark, my sweety! We dated for awhile, but fortunately, the break up wasn't messy, so we're still friends. We mostly talk through email since he goes to Fairmont. Major Jeep fan (He has a wrangler) Mark's a big knife collector. Don't let that fool ya. He's the sweetest guy I know.
Megan The one and only Megan. She's perky and bouncy and always up for a good time! Megan's part time at two colleges (trying to get the classes she likes) but her major is education. I blame Megan for my Sailor Moon addiction!
Missy This is my big sis. (Not really, she adopted me in high school) Missy goes to Marshall. Unfortunately I haven't seen much of her. We're both pretty busy. (Her more than me. I think she has about 3 jobs now!) Sis is terrific. One of my fav memories is goofing off backstage with her and Megan during our high school's musicals.
Bob Haven't seen this guy in awhile either, but then again, he;s pretty busy. Big Celine Dion fan AND muticultural, the boy's got it all. (Good dresser too!) Bob's at Arizona State. Last I heard he changed his major to education (What can I say, I know a lot of teachers! :) )
Formal Gals
Formal Guyss Here's we get into my new Huntington buds from UCF (United Christian Fellowship) I was so nervous transferring to Marshall! If I had known I would become friends with such a great group of people I never would have worried! Both this pic and the one above it are from the annual Spring formal. Don't we all look spiffy??
Kelly and Steve This is Steve and Kelly. Steve is the best. He a steady rock to lean on when you're in trouble. He also has the most wonderful ability to make you feel comfortable and right at home in the group. His girlfriend is Kelly. She is definately one of the coolest people I met down here. (And I'm not just saying that because she shares my love of horses!) Kelly is easy going and pretty funny once you get to know her. I will always remember the discussions we had in the girls room during the fall retreat!.
Alisha Isn't Alisha cute? You could probably guess this was from Halloween. Alisha is one of the sweestest girls I know. Kinda quiet at first she's a lot of fun to be around. She won the dunk contest hands down with a "WAZZ_UP!!!!!"
Buddies You already know the girl on the right and the one in the center. Now let me intorduce you to Jessi. (She's the brunette on the left, duh!) Jessi is another one who usually doesn't act her age. Jessi is only 20, but shows more maturity than most adults! Most of the time she's got it all together. I just think she rocks. Not only because we're sharing an apartment next year, but we have a lot of things in common. We just met this year, but already we know each other really well. We usually know what the other one is thinking (Sometimes a bad thing becasue she stops me before I can cause the trouble I was planning!!) Just kidding! Jess is a major Ally, and Muppet fan. The perfect roommate!
Wes and Jamie The guy with the hat is Wes. I don't know him to well but I do know that he's a pretty nice guy and is grounded in his life and faith (I envy him! ) The curly mop top on the left is Jamie. Is there nothing this boy can't do? (And won't show off? :) ) Jamie is a good guy. (He's cute and he knows it!) We butt heads a lot, but It's all in fun. He's a good friend when push comes to shove.
Jeff and Matt These two trouble makers live with my boyfriend Chris. (Unfortunately his pic was in a frame, so I haven't got it scanned in. Don't worry sweety, I didn't forget you!) Jeff and Matt put up with me coming over all the time and pretend to like me (Kidding!!) They're really great guys. Jeff is the one on the left. He's a smarty this one...working on a double major. His girlfriend Laura is a complete sweetheart. Matt is a goofball, but I still like him! If you look closely you can see the computer game he was playing on the computer behind him. Right now they're all pretty addicted to it. Boys, go fig!

Just though I'd add this one in! Last day of high school for the Astronomy girls! (A lovely class all four of us took) Starting on the left its Charity, then my best bud Amy, me, and Duff (a.k.a Sarah)

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