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News & Rumours

The Brood

Hey it is Thursday. Time for rumours. Goldust is signed with WcW and is now playning the part of a cowboy ghost thing this gimmick might do a little better then Berlyns did. Sadfully Darren Drozdov has only improved a small bit. The thoughts and prayers of everyone goes out to him. i hope you get better Darren. Not much news today because there aint much news. It looks as if the cancer angle about the big show and his father has something to do with the undertaker. Look for the rock & sock connection to win some sort of title and get stuck sck together again. Well thats all for today. Later.Well smackdown was pretty good last night. British Bulldog seems to hate the Rock and HHH. Bulldog said he hates the rock because of his attitude but Their is more to it just wait and see how it develops. The Blue Meanie is on the verge of losing his job again. WWF stopped the "Blonde #$%@* project because Rena Mero has thought about filling another suit against the WWF saying the blonde *%^#* was her. Some think it could really be Tammy Sytch/@y*&% but she states she doesnt think so. Tammy Sych is a former member of the WWF known as Sunny. Remember? The blue meanie is having trouble looking for a new place in the WWF. Look for Goldust to appear soon in WcW. Worlds Crappiest Wrestling. I never was a huge fan of goldust but how is he going to pool a legendary gimmick in WcW which is supposed Family Wrestling. Can you say Scary guy? Oh to be family oriented WcW sure as a sick mind for gay people. yes thats right Lenny Lane and Lodi may be brothers but have you noticed how they hit on guys? Me to. They are really gay. SICK.Well the British bulldog is Heel/Face at he moment. Goldust has sighnd with WcW and he was the man who mysteriously spoke To Tony "Retard" Shiavone. Well Austin will probably win back the title at the next ppv. The WWf realize that the push for HHH was a big screw up. The LOD will return soon. The reunion of Kane and X pac could possibly bring a new costume for Kane. Personally I like his newer costume where The Black is Red and the Red is black. Well I should have a report better tomorrow. Hello it is Thursday. Well on the taped Smackdown British Bulldog made his return in the ring against The Bossman. Al snow has returned as Leif Cassidy for a while this gimmick should not last to long. Over in WcW Arn Anderson could probably sighn a revenge match against Sid. Report here later for more details. Hello I just have a couple things today first and foremost Paul Bearer could leave the Undertaker soon and possiblyy bring back Vader. If this happens Vader will be face. You can expect some gone for a while wrestlers like Kurrgan, Giant Silva, and/or Golga, and possibly Dr. Death to retturn soon. Goldust has sighned with WcW according to a local newspaper here and Goldust will probably come as the Hummer driver. Well thats all for today see you later. As you saw a couple weeks ago jericho was the millenium man. I believe his Y2J plan will pay off. Oh this is not wrestling oriented but if you dont know what Y2K means it means Year 2 Thousand. Well Gangrel has formed and it consists of Hardy Boyz and Gangrel. Michael Hayes will probably reform the freebirds with Christian and Edge. Undertaker should be going face again by him backstabbing Paul Wight a Unforgiven. I told you HHH, Hbk, Chyna would reform but where does B.A Billy Gunn come in well i'll just let you watch and see you may be surprised. I know this wasnt a very long report but after things develop I will here more and more. See you soon.Not to much news today. Edge has left the brood as did Christian. Some rumours speculate that Jericho could come to the WWF and do a new gimmick much like his former Parasite gimmick. He may join up with Gangrel to reform a new brood. KISS will be performing live on Nitro Aug, 23rd. GTV I still believe is goldusts doing but it could be Howard "The Fink" Finkle. The Acolytes are gone from the corporation for good. While the Corporate Ministry are Disbanded what plans for good vs. Evil will come can you say Mankind? Mankind could reform The Union and start a feud with Paul Wight and The Undertaker. Mankind Hope your feeling better. Well thats all for today see you Monday. I will not be able to update next week so I will put down all the rumours I know today. Well the Austin & Taker match will be a gimmick match. If Austin wins Vince will have to leave the WWF but if Taker wins Austin will never get a title shot again. I figure Taker will win. Bret Hart will return to WCW Monday July 5th. As you know Goldust is GTV man well he will return with probably a new gimmick but will still be known as Goldust. Can you believe that Sting was The Hummer driver? I can. Remember Nash turned on sting when he joined up with Hogan so maybe this is just his revenge. But wait I am not done yet Remember NWO Sting "COBRA" said he would return soon well this could be a trick to have Sting and Nash fight at the ppv which will help team Madness win against the two. well not much of an update see you July,12th. As you see Corporate DX consists of Billy Gunn, Chyna, and HHH. Jericho has already signed with WWF, He will appear after July 27th. Edge will leave the Brood this summer leaving a space for a new member. The GTV man is none other than Goldust and the Blue Meanie. At the next PPV Taker and Austin will probably have a Gimmick Match. Thrasher and "Chas" will probably reform Headbangers with Marianna as their manager. The rumour of Jericho becoming X-Calibur is False. Oh, if you didnt hear Lodi and Lane are Gay. They will become the Gaylords. Sid is supposedly a little upset that WCW made him befriend double A. Sid is believed to leave team Madness in the near future. Remember when I said their would be a space in the brood? Well after Edge leaves Luna (Gangrels wife) may join the Brood. Makes sense. Well Rock is not the Hiar power but another rumour states we will see The Embalmer. The Power in The Undertakers comic book. In WWF magazine it Stated that Kane has the power to destroy the Ministry. Well, It looks as if The Undertaker sees that now. Kane has Road Dogg and X Pac so maybe. Vine said not too long ago that Kane could, Remember? Taker May get upset with Vince and turn face again, Join up with Kane, Tear apart The Corporation, and Reform a face Ministry based on how it started. Taker will probably proceed to do this since he hates being heel.Rumours say rhat X Pac and Road Dogg may join Heel DX a while after it is formed leaving Kane to join the Union. When Acolytes are kicked out of the Corp/Ministry They will battle against The Corporate Ministry with the help from the Brood. Paul Wight will turn major heel this year according to reports. George "Animal" Steel will probably be brought back as Prince Alberts father. some yahoo! chatters are upset that rena mero was only on chat for about 5 minutes. Their are rumours that Stephanie and Linda McMahon will cheat Vince and Shane. ICP are WWF bound for now. They may get a big push for turning WCW down. Sherri is believed to be the hummer driver. Sherri was at one time Machos Manager, Remember?. The Rock is making it more and more obvious he is the Hiar power. He was going to Sacrifice Taker on a Symbol, Think about it it makes perfect sence. July fifth Nitro will try to rule monday night war by bringing Bret Hart, Goldberg, and Shane Douglas out as a surprise but WWF will hit back by bringing Mankind back and throwing HBK in the mixed. Well see. Next weeks raw will most likely be live from Huntington W.V. The Acolytes may be kicked out of the Corporate/Ministry soon much like the brood. Midion was feutured in a Tattoo mag. not to long ago. DX to reform? Reports say that if DX reforms it will likely consist of DX backstabbers such as HBK, HHH, and Billy gun along with Chyna. They will be heel. Gangrel will be getting a push soon such as Ic position or the Hardcore division. Undertaker may reveal The Rock as the "Higher Power" at K.O.R and turn on Vince, Shane, and the rest of the ministry. Mosh and thrasher may recreate the Headbangers due to no reaction from the crowd when Beaver Cleavage arrived in th WWF. Jericho is almost for sure about joining the WWF. When heel DX HBK, Billy Gunn, HHH, and Chyna form Jericho may help form Face DX consisting of X Pac, Kane, Road Dogg, and Jericho himself. They will probably battle Heel DX for a period of a year or two. Heel DX will consist of Backstabbers so expect them to break up in about a year. WWF ATTITUDE is being held up so they can remove Blue Blazer. Gangrel was on Superstars about Tattoos. He has alot of Tattoos that are hidden when in the ring. Christian will most likely be Intercontinental champ or light weight champ. Rumours of Nitro girls on Raw was false. Austin will probably lose his position of C.E.O at K.O.R. That is it for today check back tomorrow.
