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Evergreen, Colorado I take a step into this town all I can see is desolated Old-fashioned City. Two blocks is hardly a city: the town hall, county office, courthouse, and one bank are all within an eighty-foot radius. The town is completely dull. Three cars parked outside of the county office, party! Walking to the High Place’s bar I open the door and realize that this whole town is lame, I ask myself "Why would anyone chose to live here?" A cold shiver comes over my body as a light breeze from the south swoops down on me like an owl does its prey. Snow capped mountain ranges in the distance snow banked hills on the forefront. The smell of cold fresh air and molded wood stench rots my nose as I walk farther down the Main St. I do not let the smell get to me and just keep walking to my car; I get in it and leave this boring town without looking back. The kid walked into the bar and the bounce wouldn’t let him in. The kid was outraged by the bartender’s decision. The kid went home grabbed a strap, some bullets, and downed 1000 mg’s of hydro-codeine. He was ready for action. He returned to the bar and tried for the second time to get in. Becoming a Better Writer Creative writing has been a good experience for me, it has not only improved my writing; it has taught me a lot of cool writing stuff I never knew before. This trimester my creative writing experience has improved my writing skills a lot. I started out with no idea how to write a poem or any idea what a sonnet consisted of. Since then I have learned so many new terms, for example: assonance, cliché, and conceit. These are three words that mean something to me now, one year ago if one was to ask me what a conceit was I would probably reply "A type of concrete?" I must admit, at the beginning of the class I was skeptical about my writing skills. To tell you the truth I hated the class because I thought there was going to be way to many assignments, and there was. My sentence fluency and grammatical-tactics used to be sloppy. Eventually after a few weekly pieces and some criticism from my peers, I learned how to use sentence fluency. My teacher also taught me some grammatical tricks of the trade to help me out in that area. I have also learned what active and passive voice is. For example: (active voice) the boy kicks the ball; (passive voice) the boy kicked the ball. The difference in the two is active is showing what the noun or person is doing. Passive is just telling or describing (or telling) what the noun or person is doing. Throughout the trimester I have developed a new meaning to the concept of writing. My new concept involves new techniques of writing including sonnets, lyric poems, ballads, epic poems, and limericks. I have learned to use each and every one of these styles of writing to my fullest potential with the help of my teacher. A lot of my pieces have drugs involved in them. This isn’t for the fact that I use them myself, because I don’t. It’s just that there has been a lot of drug activity in my life, and I like to joke about it to help deal with it. Especially this year I personally have gone through a lot that has not only improved my writing, but has given enough knowledge to have a subject to write about the rest of my life. Even through all the hardships I still managed to come up on top of the game. I have learned so many new styles of writing. All of the drama has only made my writing stronger adding force as well as depth. I have reached new heights with my newfound writing techniques. I honestly owe Mrs. Judd a lot of credit, for the simple fact that she was the person who got on me the most about actually doing my work. And in the end it helped me very much. Instead of turning in an assignment that I am scared of getting a bad grade on, I turn in one I can be proud of. I actually get excited when I turn in piece, because I know I put my full honest effort into it and I know I can be proud of what I have accomplished in each of my pieces I submit. I only tried on a few pieces and the rest I just kind of blew off, I regret that a lot. Furthermore it is good that one writes, because it improves their intellect. It has improved mine very much so. My vocabulary has also enhanced dramatically. Another credit to Mrs. Judd and her astonishing vocabulary In conclusion I really wish I had tried a little bit harder. Through half of it I was so busy with all my other class’s homework I hardly had the time to write three assignments a week. Next trimester I will make up for my slack this trimester. In addition to my previous conclusion I really enjoyed creative writing. My confidence level in writing has sky rocketed and now I feel like I could write a short novel if I really wanted to. Jared Tatro Town Poem ] My brother’s friend’s cousin’s sister’s boyfriend’s grandpa once told me this tale of a man more rugged then 2pac. The tale of ollllld Jack Henry goes wayyyyyyyyy back; now you may think. John Henry but Jack Henry was a different man legend has it Jack stole John’s credit card and social security numbers and used his identity. This tale took place in a time where communication was not conducted by phones and e-mail, but by letters and yarn hooked to Cambell® soup cans. A time where man-kind did all the manual work without the help of others. A time where hunting was not a sport, but a necessity to live life to eat. Anywaaays Old Jack Henry was a man of many faces. A man of many words; a man of much pride. Record has it that Old Jack had legs the size of tree trunks and arms the size of tree limbs. This limber lumber jack was known to cut down more tree’s then that of Paul Bunyan. In fact he beat Paul Bunyan down with his own helmet. Cracking his head upon and taking all of Paul’s money. This 2-bit criminal was a mastermind and a renaissance man. And for all y’all out there who don’t know what a renaissance man is. Get a dictionary. Any who Jack Henry was good at everything, from fishing to hunting, to women and drinking, and swimming to fighting. He could shoot a bow and arrow 4000 yards away and split his first arrow into a head of a African muskrat. ***************************************************8 At this point in our lives graduation is a big deal. It all started when I was 4 years old, I would sit at home anxiously waiting for my brother and sisters arrival from this place called school. This is when I was first interested in going; I thought to be a big boy I would have to attend. 1991 I entered kinder garden and I LOVED IT! Finger paints, arts and crafts, learning how to count oh my oh my! (Hands on face gesture) I was in heaven. As time went on so did my education McKinley Elementary is where I went until 1rst grade then I moved to Ridgeview elementary. What I liked most about my early years is the girls, I remember everyday at recess there were these two girls that would chase me and the girl I liked didn’t like me, but her friend did. Hmmm, sounds like preschool drama to me! Through this time I developed lots of skills such as learning to read write and do basic math. The most memorable thing from these times is the time I thought it would be cool to slide down the slide with a chunk of ice under my stomach. It worked and I went flying down the slide flew off it and landed on the ground lost my breath and since then I have never gone down a slide since. Now I am sure that you all have a story similar like this so take a minute to ponder your elementary days. Reminiscing on my past is fun but I must continue my speech so third grade comes around and half way through the year I am forced to move to West Valley, to tell you the truth I didn’t even know west valley existed. I asked some of my friends what was in west valley and they said hicks and country. I was very nervous to move out here because I didn’t want to become a hick. My first day out in West Valley I got in a fight with Mike Emter my now long time good buddy, but at the time when I was on top of him punching him in the head I hated him. Now for those of you that know what a “white slip” I got one of these, and for those of you who don’t know it is a modern day detention. I do not know what people thought of me after that day and honestly I didn’t care. All I knew is I didn’t want to be a hick and listen to country music! As time went on I grew up and started to mature, I started getting into a lot of trouble with my new friends I had made. We started a click of about 15 and everyday at recess we would hang out and do whatever. One time in 5th grade Chris Vaillancourt, Mike Emter, Billy Hagreen, Cody Foster, and I broke a bench at recess. Then I got the bright idea to make it into a snow launcher catapult thingy. One of us would make a fatty snowball stick it on the broken side of the bench and one of us would jump on the other side launching the snowballs into the air, great fun! But then we got caught. This incident really stands out to me because it was the first time I had ever really got caught vandalizing anything. Mr. Jaeger who was the principle at the time was out to get me I swear, made me fix the bench and pay for it. Junior High was great times, this is where I learned everything about the world. I experienced my first everything here, and I am sure it was a time that many of you developed into young men and women. (wink wink) 9th grade was my favorite year in the past because I had so much fun. My favorite story from the junior high didn’t happen to me but to my best friend Joe Montgomery. We all used to steal pops out of the pop machine during school, after school, before school, and whenever we felt like it. My friend Joe’s tiny little arms could slide right up the pop machine and yank one out. One day after school we were thirsty so we went to the gym pop machines and he did his thing, SNAP one of the pop dispensers was empty and got a hold of little Joe’s finger. We tried everything to get his fingers out but we couldn’t, and then came Mr. Hiles, we had to call the Pepsi electrical maintenance man (who is my uncle) and when he came and took out little Joe’s fingers he laughed and call him stupid. Anyways we all got suspended and it was a fun vacation. Furthermore its these little funny things that creates our character today, there are tons of funny little stories that I could tell all day long but since I only have 5-8 minutes I got to get to the point of my speech. GRADUATION is a much anticipated time in everyone’s life. The thought of me not in school makes me overwhelmed with Joy. Now I am going to miss hanging out with all of you guys and true I wont see 90% of the kids I know now in 5 years, but there is still a certain essence in not coming to school that intrigues me to graduate. I am so excited to graduate this year because I feel like I have accomplished a lot in my education. Don’t get me wrong I am a very smart kid, I know I could have gotten a 3.5 GPA and played sports and stuff, but I learned a long time ago that my parents are financially unfortunate and can’t pay for my college. Me being as smart as I am knew from the get go it wasn’t going to happen so I decided in 5th grade I wasn’t going to drop out or nothing but I could do the bare minimum and still graduate. My sister was very worried about her grades through high school and I knew I didn’t want to be a dork like that; I was more into girls and parties. There have been many ups and downs in my life and this year has been a total up. I do not know this class well enough to say you are all like me, but for the most part I am a very normal kid. Moving onto Senior year is a great experience it seems as if people are a lot more open minded. I have noticed in the past that people in my grade tend to be stuck up if you don’t have the nice clothes, cars, or aren’t the most popular. This year I have noticed a big change in the majority, and it makes me happy. I think that the most important part of being a senior is being united with your class, and who cares what you were in high school stereotypically. All that really matters in this world is your family and your health. In context I haven’t learned as much as from high school as I have learned socially. And to further enlighten you of what I mean when I say socially is that high school is drama, and I am most thankful for every situation that has been sent my way. Even through all the drama and adversity I have learned how to deal with stuff, like part of growing up. ************8u647647647647647 I agree with Dean on building in middle class safety net, where middle class citizens can be sure they will have health insurance and opportunities for their kids to go to college. I agree with his stance against the war. In away I agree with hooking up human trade to protect child labor violations another country we were doing business with overtime, violations or safety violations. But I still think the country should be allowed to do things their way since they are providing us with the good. I think he can have a chance to become president of the united states