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Happy Little Homepage

WORK IN PROGRESS!!! Please Be Patient!!!

"I went to a party last Saturday night You know I think I got laid and I got in a fight I don't remember that much but I think I liked it" from Sugarbuzz by Marvelous 3...also the story of my life.

I am 19. I am a sophmore math major at Marshall University in Huntongton, WV. I used to go to Parkersburg South High School.

I hate Dave Mathews, and his stupid band. May they all rot in hell--and you too you little teeny-bopper shits with your t-shirts and your concert ticket stubs. Violins do NOT belong in rock bands. I also hate Kenny G, African Tribal bands (specifically All-One-Tribe), and Jill VanMeter singing.

My brother's name is Ehren, he was graduated by PSHS in '99. There is a quote from a Sheryl Crow song that reminds me of him, but I won't post it here.

I was on the crew team at South for 3 years. Crew sucks. That last comment only makes sense to other rowers. I do not row now because there is no where at school for me to row. Bummer, eh? Learn more about crew by clicking the link at the bottom of the page.

My best friend's name is Angela Elizabeth Goff. She moved to Florida a few years ago. We've been best friend's since 4th grade, but we were good friends way before then, like since Kindergarten. She's cooler than you.

I have other friends too.

Now for some shout-outs:

AnnaLe—you are the cutest thing to happen this century (and last)! Always remember the good times we had (Thanksgiving ’99, being dorks together in Jr. High-and still today!) and the bad (Black Tuesday, lost in Wirt). Try and stay sane (quit droppin’ acid) and keep the booty shakin’!

Angie—my dearest, truest, closest friend. You are my best friend in the whole wide world. (It sounds more important when you say it like that.) You know I’ll always be there for you hon. Let me know when you wanna get that 3-some thing goin’! Good luck with school, boys, the family, and life in general.

Emily—Frog Dru! Motor! Damn, we speak our own dorky language or something. I still can’t believe you went to a school with NO BOYS. That is insane, you are braver than I am. And oh yeah, drugs are bad.

Dominique—What is up girlfriend? You are my favorite homey-G friend from Morehead. Let’s get together and dance sometime!

Laura—You are so adorable! Don’t worry, I still love you even thought you are from the NORTH end of P-burg. So glad we corrupted you, it was inevitable though.

Jessi—put down the books, come out into the light, have some fun with us!

Jackie—my piecing buddy—good luck at Tech, if it sucks as bad as I think it will, transfer to Marshall!

And now for the guys:

Ehren—my dearest big brother. Please, for the love of God, stay out of trouble, and no more of your little surprise confessions.

Jon—100% compatability, baby. You’re the coolest skater fag I know.

Alex—glad that crew is going good. Keep in touch, we'll hang out sometime.

Rob-Roy - you are one of my favorite Wirts! Hope school's going well. You still owe me dinner!

Dominic Schillizi—I LOVE THE HONOR’S PROGRAM!!! (okay, that was actually for you Dominique)

Boggsy—I hope this semester goes better for you than last semester did! And for me too! Get your ass out of bed and go to class this time!

Have you seen the movie Vampires?.

I also wrote a piece about the DMV. You can read that here.

If you want talk, you can e-mail me or ICQ me. My ICQ # is 10261670.

(Just jokin' I deleted it! ICQ sucks, use AIM)

I also have AOLim. My screen-name is emmalene25.

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