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Across the river at Lyburn, WV

Transcribed by Donna Brown, Linda L. Lamb and Regina Lamb

June 17, 1984

PERRY, John Milton		1883		1943
	George M.		1880		1955
	Lillie M.		1884		1966
	William W.		1848		1928
	Amanda M.		1851		1930
	Elbert 			1917		1919
	Infant			born and died 2/22/1883 s/o W. W. and A. M. Perry
	Millard B.		2/25/1889	3/17/1909

MULLINS, Valeria F.		2/7/1866	2/17/1877
	Henry H.		3/3/1836	3/30/1891
	Lovica			11/25/1838	5/6/1897
	Emma			3/7/1850	3/8/1898 wife of M. B. Mullins
	George M.		1/27/1847	9/28/1868 s/o M. B. Mullins
	Sarah			1826		1909

BUCHANAN, Sadie			9/20/1909	___________
	Floyd Lee		9/27/1900	2/24/1979
	John			2/8/1879	12/24/1887 s/o F. H. and E. A. Buchanan
	Mary			1/19/1876	1/6/1888 d/o F. H. and E. A. Buchanan
	James H.		1/20/1882	6/1/1901 s/o Floyd and Eliza Buchanan
	Hattie Pearl		8/26/1895	6/18/1907
	George			8/20/1825	12/23/1887
	Brook			1879		1947
	Thomas F.		1873		1947
	Dau of F. L. Buchanan	12/3/1929
	Dau of F. L. Buchanan	10/4/1930

BURGESS, Cora L.		2/12/1902	9/2/1904
	Lizzie			7/22/1899	10/18/1914
	Maggie M.		8/9/1896	11/2/1899
	C. L.			12/17/1875	12/22/1899
	Nancy			11/23/1846	11/7/1919 wife of Jim Burgess
	James			8/4/1852	4/10/19_6
	Alford			4/17/1922	11/10/1924
	Dave			1902		1953
	Okey L.			1/14/1897	1956 PVT CO C7 BN
	Cecil Wade		12/12/1939	6/21/1962 WV SP4 US ARMY
	Bethena Francis		Apr 1876	10/14/1947

MAYS, Gilbert			1911		1977
	Dorothy			1935		1967
	Donald Gene		1940		1960

MULLINS, Arthur			1920		1975

WALKER, Robert L.		1896		1956

TAYLOR, Arthur			3/13/1890	5/23/1948

BEAVERS, Wanda Ann		9/23/1949	12/1/1954

ADKINS, Maxine			born and died 1976

FERGUSON, Bertha D.		1892		1946

SMITH, Garnet Luzell		7/17/1908	3/25/1978
	Jessie May		1925		1927

FORTNER, Ella May		5/28/1887	9/20/1895

CHRISTIAN, John			1935		1935

MULLINS, Betty			1897		1962

TOLER, Brenda Sue		1950		1951

SNYDER, James T.		1930		1969
	John			1898		1930

WELLS, Kenneth L.		1956		1972

PARKS, Kenneth 			1908		1969

DYKES, David			1894		1965
	Lucy Ellen		one date - 1966

BALL, Herbert Orlando		2/10/1927	12/4/1962 WV PFC US MARINES WWII

BROWNING, Orville Roscoe Sr	5/14/1910	3/8/1964
	Irene			8/9/1936	7/9/1975

HARLESS, Lillie May		1889		1971
	Andrew			1877		1963		
	Helman			1925		1979
	Isaac			1852		1915
	Lena			1876		1958
	Arnold (Duck)		12/1/1884	2/1/1963 s/o Isaac &Lena Toler Harless

MCCOLGAN, Lois W.		1914		1982
	Alberta E.		1877		1962

MCDONALD, Georgie		1889		1915

CONNER, Beulah Jean		12/26/1924	2/22/1929

WILLIAMS, Cornelia		born and died 11/23/1913 d/o A. A. & Cornelia Williams

HILL, Emmalene Sue		2/12/1927	9/19/1934

BROSE, Betty			1868		1940
	Harry V.		3/9/1872	12/22/1955

STURGELL, Luna			1898		1945

PENNOCK, Ethel			1882		1942

WARD, Mabel Perry		1903		1937

WORKMAN, William		7/29/1919	10/4/1942

MCVEY, Francis G.		9/18/1869	8/20/1891

STOLLINGS, Lilly May		1898		1936
	S. J.			1887		1960

JEFFREY, Pat			9/15/1897	3/27/1956 WV WAGONER SUP CO 7 INF WWI
	Ovie E.			12/25/1893	11/16/1917
	Mary Ann		6/15/1870	7/2/1942
	Henry R.		2/4/1865	2/25/1923
	Eliza			10/5/1827	3/16/1922
	William Ray		12/5/1904	2/22/1930

RUTHERFORD, Donald		9/14/1926	11/6/1926

RAY, Bobby			7/4/1925	8/4/1925
	Don			4/8/1919	11/18/1929
	William			8/27/1906	11/9/1926

CHAMBERS, Maggie		12/25/1880	8/19/1923

MOLNAR, George			1916		1963

DOSS, Henderson			no dates

GIBSON, Robert M.		4/24/1900	________
	Hazel Ruth		4/6/1906	8/3/1971

BURGESS, Sony			born and died 4/27/1908

POWERS, Luranie			1892		1963
	Harrison		1888		1964

CALDWELL, Everett Sr.		7/22/1902	10/1/1956

HUFFMAN, Delbert		1891		1967

CONN, Everett M.		1949		1950

GIBSON, Kenneth			born and died 1950

CHAPMAN, Joan			1932		1961

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