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The Poetry Corner


Imagine a unicorn floating in space,
magical, mystical and free.
Like the unicorn floating in space,
Hopes and dreams float in our minds,
Waiting to take us to new worlds.
02 Feb 86

Have Faith

When you lose your way
Turn your eyes to me
And let my light warm your heart
And I will guide you
Down the pathways of life.
04 Feb 86

No Place Like Home

My father never seemed to care,
And when I shined was never there.
He criticized from A to Z, but never complimented me.
Accusing, belittling, constantly.
We were never friends; we were always at war.
My childhood, akin to something like hell,
The cursing and taunting I remember quite well.
I was beaten with whatever he had in his hand-
A broomstick, a board, or an old frying pan.
Under his workbench I'd hide and I'd cry
while praying to God to please let him die.
Each day I lived in fear, really perplexed.
I never knew what would set him off next.
I could tell no one--I had no recourse,
For he threatened I'd be the cause for his divorce.
My lifetime's achievements were accomplished alone
Because for some kids, there's no place like home.

-Written by "Native" to "Dear Abby" a while back.

A Tree Grows Strong

A tree grows strong & beautiful
Despite the lack of loving care.
It thrives and becomes useful
Despite the neglect that is there.

A tree dies at the hands
Of ignorance and greed.
Nothing exists where it no longer stands
But hope in the planted seed.

-28 Dec 97

The Sea Is Playful Tonight

The sea is playful tonight
Dancing in the light
Of a full moon caressing
Her with strands of diamonds and,
With her love, blessing
Sea and stregthening the bonds
Of love and beauty they share-
A loving mother watching over
The playful child in her care.

12 Nov 98

My Heart Is Heavy Today

My heart is heavy today.
Where is my Goddess when I need her?
I'm crazy to believe, they say,
In a compassionate, loving mother.

So who are they to judge me
Or what's in my soul or heart?
Were they there to see
Who it was who gave us our start?

The Great Spirit in Heaven above
Is neither woman nor man.
It is a spirit of love
That we cherish as best as we can.

This Great Spirit is nothing more
Than who we imagine it to be.
Believing in it does restore
Our hope in being free.

We all look for the same thing.
We look for love and peace.
We all would do anything
For our pain and sorrow to cease.

So we begin to try to believe
In a power greater than ours
Who can always forgive and relieve
Us of sorrow in our lonely hours.

How we see our Great Spirit
Is a matter of personal choice.
So is how we worship it
And how we give it voice.

So never tell me about Great Spirit
Nor what image of it is right.
Never tell me how to worship it
Nor how to enjoy its wonderfully loving light.

04 Jan 98

People I'd like to thank for the wonderful graphics!