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How I Made A Homepage

Creating a page is fairly easy. Almost anyone can make a personal homepage, even with very little experience.

I first found out how to make a homepage when I first got the Internet at home. I found out from Angelfire through a search engine. I then visited the site and then the Angelfire site told me how to do everything else. All you have to do is enter a few things in, like a username and password and you are off and ready. After you have registered you still need to learn a few Basic HTML tools that will help you out. There are two types of Editors that Angelfire supports you. There is the Advanced Editor, which gives you a blank box and you go from there typing in HTML codes. This is only for experienced users though. The other editor is the Basic Editor that helps you out on your colors, links, lists, and more. This is the best thing to use for almost all users. This is definetly recommended for beginners. You need to learn your HTML though no matter what editor you use. You might not need to know all the codes but you should learn the common HTML codes. You will get better and better as you go along.

Since, the first time I found out about Angelfire, I have learned alot about the design of HTML. My page use to be very small but then I kept adding more and more as I learned more HTML. I just kept finding out more how to upload files, images, and how to scan images and more. I learned howe to build scripts and organize different files. THE BEST WAY I LEARNED, WAS BY EXPERIMENTING, most of the stuff I learned wasn't by reading or researching it was by just messing around or plaing around until something worked out. It still might be small but I it will be improving more and more as I keep learning. FrontPage Express 2.0 has a few things that I learned but I never did use it though.

Lately, I have been finding other sites where you can form a homepage. Angelfire still seems easiest. I have been to Geocities, Expage, Homestead, and more pages. But, I still find Angelfire better than any other page. One good thing is it's easy to register and the best thing of all, it's easy to login each and evertime you need to go into your site and edit. One site that is good is Homestead. Homestead's Basic Editor isn't all that good but the Homestead Advanced Editor takes a little bit of time logging in each time. So, I have called it quits to every other Home Page Setup except for Angelfire. I have been experiencing the FrontPage Express Program for Windows and it seems to be pretty nice for experienced users but I think I will leave that alone and just use the HTML codes, like the hard way. And, if you get to the bottom line, FrontPage Express is just another way to make HTML easier. If you know all HTML codes you will not need FrontPage.

If you are having a hard time finding HTML codes there are several pages that will have them, including Angelfire and its links. I have just found out more HTML on the date of 4/17/99 and I will be making some scripts and other graghs on my own. Always remember though, some pages can support you with graphs, scripts, and more so if you find a friendly person on the Internet, you might want to ask them about it. If you don't have the time you can very easily find a page with stuff for a homepage. Remember not to steal anything because there are certain rules and regulation so BEWARE!

I hope this information helps you out if you have been thinking about building a page. Although, I think Angelfire is the best, you can still choose Geocities, Homestead, or any other page. I do not have a problem with the other pages but I just chose Angelfire from their reliability.


Angelfire - Free Home Pages
Cody Roush's Home Page
