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Our Senior Year

The fall of 1970 brought 186 of us back to Scott as Seniors. Our sponsors

were again:Jean Tye, Thomas Miller, David Radcliff, Swanie Smoot, Daisy Church, Dora Jo Byrnside, Julia Browning, Readith Doss, Lillian Hensley, Betty Jackson.

Class Election

The senior class election results were: Allen Dotson-President, Mike Estep-Vicepresident, Rada Walker-Secretary, Libby Lucas-Treasurer, Kay Spurlock-Historian.

 Ernie Burns was elected President of the student Council.

Varsity Teams

Varsity cheerleaders included Belinda Adams-Head, Teresa Tierno-Alternate, and Rada Walker-alteate.  The Majorettes chosen were Dixie Pullens, Dinah Price and Debbie Holstein.

 The Senior boys worked hard on our Varsity athletic teams and helped Scott gain many victories. The captains of the Varsity teams were:

for Football-Allen Meadows, Mike Estep, Willie Barker.

 For Basketball- Sam Coakley, Allen Meadows.

 For Wrestling-Ted White and Jay Wilson.

  Homecoming was held on October 10, 1970 against Van and a great victory for us in the game and our float "A Toast To Victory" which as in the past four years came in second.


Senior Play

 The Senior play, directed by Mrs. Carden was entitled, "That Groovy Guru". The cast and helpers worked hard to produce a succcessful play in order to take a senior trip.

 As graduation approaches on May 25, 1971, we can look back on our four years at Scott and be grateful to all those who helped us.

       It's been 29 years since we were in school together and most of us have been throughh some difficult and trying times but that's the way life is annd only the strong survive. The Class of 1971 was and will always remain closeknit as long as we strive to keep it that way. Some of us are no longer living but I bet their spirits will always remain among us. We can only pray for them and remember that we will in time join them. Some of us have children that are grown and ready to start their own lives if they haven't already. Then some of us have small ones and are just beginning families. Enjoy the precious moments with your children as time seems to pass by so quickly