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Scyther's way cool pokemon zone


Hi! Welcome to Scyther's Way Cool Pokemon Zone, I hope you enjoy your stay. To see the intro again click here

Last update ever. April 26, 2000.

Because, unfortunatly i've lost almost all interest in pokemon, and because of the lack of new, and fun, pokemon stuff, I have decided to retire this page. The info will still be here only it will never get updated. This was my best page and most fun page i have ever worked with. Me and this page have been through alot. Let it be known that my little piece of the web well never me lost. Let me just say it was fun while it lasted. I'd like to thank ever one that was on my staff they helped out alot. Or any one who gave me any awards, links, pics, info or anything else. Also anyone from the orignal site i worked for, i couldn't have went this for without you. As my last thank you for all that helped my out with this site here is ZIP file of all the Gold/Silver Pokemon


This is the final good-bye from Chris Acton A.K.A. Scyther, Siege, Slash Beast, Me, KingADaMagikarp, KingADaMetapods, Time Noise, or any over name i went by. Good-bye i never forget all the fun i had on this site.
Updates on 15th of Feb.:

Hello! This is a pic from the new pokemon movie coming in japan very soon. (i got this pic from BMG), I also made a netscape compatable "sister" site, which is exactly like this one only without the sidebar.

Updates on 6th of Feb.:

No big pokemon news for a while, im sill waiting for any new pokemon fanfics or fanart. BTW im working pretty well at the G/S Pokedex. There were 10 new pokemon episodes on YTV lately, I'll start an episode guide (maybe). Thats all for now.

Updates on 23th of Jan.:

Ok, im starting a new fanfics and fanart section, I already have some fanart but i need some more, so please send me any fanart or fanfics you made and i'll be happy to put them up. The Gold/Silver pokedex is on it's way. It should be up in no time.

Updates on 20th of Jan.:

Sorry, for not updating lately. The gold/silver pokedex is coming along nicely. It been really to work because Im also running a FF8 page and my Final are on for next week. Also im helping out Pokegod's tavern
with another gold/silver pokedex, that site really had start, but it i heard it'll be closing and the people working there well start a new site called Animetropolis, which has more than just pokemon but also other anime. Well bye for now.

Updates on 17th of Jan.:

Hi sorry i haven't been on for a while, because im something really big *cough* gold/silver pokedex, with location and moves *end-cough*, so i'll try to get that up ASAP. Plus im looking for new affilated, sence 2 out my 3 others, just went down, so if you have a site just e-mail me and i'll see if we can became affilated. Also I made an intro page go see it here
, it not very good yet but it will be in time.

Updates on 12th of Jan.:

Sorry I wasn't here for awile, but i just got back from vacation on Sunday night. It took me all the next day to do my make-up homework. Then I had to get unpacked. After that I couldn't get on the internet. So now i'm on and i'll be doing the updates. I haven't started on anything big yet but i will when i get bak from school today. I'll be doing all my updates in yellow now. Matt-a-chu

Updates on 2nd of Jan.:

I added another section, no biggy :), but soon i will be making a GOLD/SILVER POKEDEX!!! No updates for a while though because i have tons of work to do.

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Legal Stuff: This site is ©1999-2000 Chris Acton. Nothing on this site may be used without permisson from the webmaster. Pokémon and all related characters are ©1995-2000 Nintendo/Game Freak/Creatures Inc. This site is neither endorsed nor sponsored by Nintendo or other game companies

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