Viva la Chunky Soup!

  • Yo, what's going on? Welcome to J.P.'s awesome website! This site has been updated as of 6/12/2004. I am a prominent violinist/violist in the Tri-State and want to publicize my Orchestra group.
  • I graduated from Marshall University as a Yeager scholar with a degree in chemistry and minors in biology, physics, music performance, and Japanese. I served as concertmaster/co-concertmaster of the Marshall University Symphony Orchestra during my years as an undergraduate. I just finished my first year at the Marshall University School of Medicine and am an MS-II starting this August. I am proud of what I have accomplished and musically, this is all owed to the talented Ms. Connie Waterman, the venerable Dr. Elizabeth Reed Smith, and the sacrificing Mr. Ron Caviani.
  • I'd like to thank those of you that made my college experience such an enjoyable and unforgettable one. Shouts out to my friends at Kansai Gaidai University, Tamagawa University, Gifu University, Kyungpook University, the University of Oxford, the University of California at San Diego, West Virginia University and, of course, Marshall University. You guys are the best!
  • I'll be visiting Shuko in Japan this winter so if you guys have any requests, please email them to me. Shuko, honey, I'm coming!
  • I teach violin private lessons to any interested beginning students. If you are interested, please e-mail me. I charge $15 per half hour.
  • Also, the Cambiata String Quartet would like to offer their services to the public. Started in 1999, the Cambiata String Quartet consists of a cellist (Emily Workman), a violist (Steve Singley), a 2nd violinist (Susan Cook), and a violinist (J.P. Pham). We have played at numerous weddings, banquets, or any special occasions. If anyone is interested in hiring, please e-mail me. We charge $400 for an occasion.
  • Remember to visit and join my sister website Jaypeeville!
  • Here is the Global Connections, the newsletter for international students past and present, in which I had been working on all summer. Stay tuned for the Fall/Spring edition where I will stay on as editor.Summer/Fall International Newsletter 2003
  • Please send me feedback through my guestbook and enjoy!
  • My Pictures (My sordid escapades in the US, Japan, Viet Nam, England, France, Italy, and Spain.)
  • Humor Page (Go here if you don't have the time and/or patience to wait for it to scroll through at the bottom)
  • Horror Film Wisdom Page
  • Evil Overlord Page
  • The Chunky Soup Corporation does not actually know what it does or produces. This hasn't stopped it from making quite a large sum of money and existing since sometime before the beginning of the universe. Most of the employees exist simultaneously in both the real world and in whatever bizarre land the Corporate Headquarters exists. The Chunky Soup Corporation Corporate Headquarters drifts end over end through a seemingly endless psychadelic vacuum. The building itself consists of a pair of large, bland, rectangular monoliths, which are surrounded by a massive parking lot and a large, multilane roadway alongside the facade. The road, sidewalk, and parking lot are crammed full of a riotous throng of apparently non-existent people who want to become part of the Corporation. The main building, the office building, is approximately the size of the United States of America. From the sidewalk outside, the edifice stretches up into the air, well out of sight range. Occasionally, a laser will drop out of the sky and burn a penny-sized hole in one of the rioters. The windows are, to put it mildly, odd. A few show the actual interior of the building, though rarely the part of the building where the window is actually located. Others show television or movies, others show reflections, and even a few others show entire other worlds. One of the more famous windows seems to look in upon an orgy room on the planet of the nymphomaniacs. Through this crowd strides a tremendous war elephant, ridden by a strange looking man in a pink samurai outfit. This pair is responsible for keeping the rioting masses rioting, a job which they are quite good at. The other building is known as the factory floor. This one, smaller than the office building, is roughly the size of half of Earth. Inside, 13,000,000,000 people are crammed together with enough machinery that no one can move any part of their body more than an inch. These people are virtually immortal, and subsist on a strange mix of asbestos and fecal matter. On the other side of this drifting land, there is nothing but a large stretch of paved land and a very anxious looking man staring at a lava lamp. Few dare question this, and even fewer bother to travel down there to see for themselves. As for the Corporation itself, it seems to abide by its own rules and laws. This refers to physical laws, such as gravity and motion. While the exterior always remains relatively stable, the interior of the building is in a constant state of flux, with the exception of a rare few anchored points. Not even the highest ranking of the Corporationfs staff can truly navigate the place without finding themselves in entirely new realms and worlds, not that they mind. What the Corporation does is something of a mystery to everyone. All know what they did, namely, create the universe. But, nowadays, it seems rather excessively extraneous. For one thing, it continues to interfere in reality with seeming impunity. The most famous example of this is their long-standing war on France, which has resulted in the deaths of at least two Frenchmen. Why the Corporation continues to exist, what it does, who funds it and actually does it, and why they bother to do it, is a question no one expects to ever have answered.
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    My Favorite Web Sites

    The official Chunky Soup website!
    Jaypeeville - the sister website!
    Shuko and her friends! (video)
