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Eagle Family Chiropractic and Wellness Center
WESTOVER, WV    26501
Phone: (304)225-2225/BACK OR 288-0777
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Eagle Family Auto Accident Page

Whiplash is a medical term which refers to a traumatic cervical syndrome from a cervical acceleration/deceleration (CAD) injury. At 8 mph the head accelerates 2 1/2 times that of the car (8G). In a 20 mph collision the head and neck may be subjected to five times the G force of the vehicle, Severy et al 5. Radanov et al 98 describes conditions that result commonly from CAD trauma:

(1) the lower cervical spine syndrome consisting mostly of neck and arm pain and

(2)The cervicoencephalic syndrome.

The later is associated with headache, fatigue, dizziness, poor concentration, distributed accomidation, and photophobia. braff and Rosner reported an incidence of 42% back pain (15% with sciatica). Mason Hohl reported that CAD victims were 6-10 times more likely to develop spondylosis than age-matched and sex-matched controls. gore found an incidence of straight or reversed cervical curve in only 9% of the asymptomatic, atraumatic population.

Prognosis: Chronic pain, Sclerotogenous or Myofascial pain, chronic instability, degenerative disc disease, spondylosis. The pain lasts because muscle heals with collagen scar; this scar is weaker and less elastic and super sensitive. Ligaments heal poorly and imcomplete due to poor blood supply; this results in chronic instability. Quick effective care is important. At EFC & WC we specialize in treating the accident victim by treating the whole person. Adjustments to remove fixations and subluxations, therapy to treat the soft tissue, rehabilitation to restore muscle and ligament strength, nutrition to feed the body and build healthy cells. Together this kind of care reduces spine degeneration, scar tissue and ligament instability and helps the body return to pre-injury condition.

REFERENCES: 5. Severy DM, Mathewson JH, Bechtol CO: Control-led automobile rear-end collisions-an investigation of related engineering and medical phenomena. In: Medical aspects of traffic accidents, Proceedings of the Montreal Conference, 1955, pp 152-184.
31. Hohl M: Soft tissue injuries of the neck in automibile accidents: factors influencing prognosis.. Journal Bone Joint Surgery 56A (8):1675-1682, 1974.
92. braaf MM, rosner S:Symptomatology and treatmentof injuries of the neck. NY State Journal of Medicine 55:237-242, 1955
98. Radanov BP, Dvorak J, Valach L: Cognitive deficits in patients after soft tissue injury of the cervical spine. Spine 17(2):127-131, 1992>br> 99. Gore DR, Sepic SB, Gardner GM: Roentgenographic findings of the cervical spine in asymptomatic people. Spine 11(6):521-524, 1986.

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If you have been involved in an auto accident, you should get checked out by Dr. Ahrend who specializes in auto accident care and diagnosis.

Regular doctors often prescribe medications only, or physical therapy.

If you think that you are ok just because your pain went away, you may be making a big mistake.

Dr. Ahrend has the training and the equipment to detect hidden injuries that can develop into degenerative disc disease and arthritis. This condition is no joke.

Since most of the time there is no out of pocket expense to you, a wise thing to do would be to have Dr. Ahrend check your injuries right away.

It is easier to find nerve or joint problems and other possible hidden injuries soon after the accident if possible. So don't wait!

Call our office today for a free Digital Myograph Comparative Muscle Test and a Posture Analysis on our Spinal Analysis Machine.

This test is completely safe for both adults and children. So call today to get your free auto accident check-up.

Call 304-225-2225/back 24 hours a day to speak with our receptionist or leave a message.

If you are new to chiropractic this term, subluxation, may be new to you. It is the basis behind what chiropractic is. In simple terms if your spine is misaligned it will cause a verity of problems with the rest of your body. Vertebral subluxation is a term used to describe an abnormal positioning of a vertebra, enough to interfere with the nerve impulses (messages) sent from the brain to the body. A subluxation is not as severe as a dislocation but can lead to many symptoms that can contribute to pain and or loss of function. Understanding that the central nervous system (brain, and spinal cord) is the master system that allows your life force to control all of the other systems combined. A disruption in the flow (subluxation) of these life forces can become extremely detrimental to your overall health.

To give you a better understanding of what a vertebral subluxation is we have included the following definitions that if combined, make up the over all condition, also known as the

Spinal Kinesiopathology
Spinal – meaning spine.
Kinesio – meaning movement or body language.
Pathology – meaning disease and suffering.
Physical trauma such as improper lifting, car accidents, repetitive motions, and poor sleeping habits can cause spinal porblems. Emotional stress and chenmical imbalances are common culprits! A spinal movement disease such as when your vertebrae are not moving and or functioning the way they were designed to. You might not be able to turn your head or bend and turn your torso properly.

Neuro. – meaning nerve
Patho. – meaning disease
Physiology – Meaning science and function of the living organism and its components. The chemical and physical processes.
Neuropathophysiology or nerve disease effecting physical and chemical processes. The nerves are impinged (pinched) causing a decrease or block in nerve flow to and from the brain. Improper motion or position of spinal bones can rub, irritate, pinch or choke delicate nerves. This can impair the function of the tissues, organs, and systems controlled by these nerves. This can cause numbness, tingling pain and decrease in vital messages your body’s systems and organs use to function.

Myo – meaning muscle.
Pathology – meaning disease and suffering.
Muscles supporting the spine can weaken and atrophy, or become tight and go into spasm. Unfortunately, scar tissue and adhesions penetrate these malfunctioning muscles, changing their elasticity. There is some sort of damage to the muscle tissue causing it to be sore, spastic, tight or weak, leading to formation of TRIGGER POINTS, which can be chronic in nature if left unattended.

Histology – meaning the study of the microscopic structures of tissue.
Pathology – meaning disease and suffering.
Discs, ligaments, and other soft tissues can malfunction. These important soft tissues have a poor blood supply, so proper healing often reaquires continued care even after the relief of obvious symptoms. There is some sort of swelling, tenderness or painfull points in the soft tissue. This is also called trigger points. Histopathology can also describe the study of ligaments, cartilage, discs tendons and internal organs.

Patho. – meaning disease
Physiology – Meaning science and function of the living organism and its components. The chemical and physical processes.
The body responds with bone spurs and spinal decay, fusing malfunctioning spinal joints. Degenerative changes can be seen in other organs and tissues which have been deproved of normal nerve control. Muscles and joints can show signs of premature aging due to sports injuries or work related posturing. Other examples include stresses due to repetitive motions like assembly line work or dad posture while sleeping.

In Cervical Spine Rounds, Arthur C. Croft, DC, MS, FACO, wrote an interesting article on Whiplash Injury Threshold : New Lower Speed Defined. To read the article, click on the hyperlink below.

Whiplash Injury Threshold

Eagle Family Chiropractic and Wellness Center
62 HOLLAND AVE (near Morgantown
WESTOVER, WV    26501
Phone: (304)225-2225/BACK OR 288-0777
Monthly Newsletter at
