Born the youngest of three, Shane learnt quickly how to defend herself against the natural taunting of older siblings. From elementary school, Shane was the class protector. She would not stand for anyone bullying her peers, and this protective nature continued with her into maturity. To protect her people, she joined the military and was trained in combat.

One night, on a combat mission, she came across a group of vampire's fighting each other. Because they weren't aware of her, they did not kill her after seeing them. A fellow commando was killed in the crossfire of the Kindred fight, and Shane was horrified by his death. This break of the Masquerade allowed her to keep her knowledge of Kindred.

The revulsion she felt at the obscenity of their nature stayed with her. Enraged by the meaninglessness of her friend's death, a man who'd deserved to die with honor, Shane became a Hunter. She managed to destroy many undead before the Kindred in the armed forces requested her "early retirement." This only freed her from the military's constraints.

One day, Shane killed a Gangrel woman. The Kindred's Gangrel lover, Dade, witnessed the woman's death and, upon discovering how much Shane loathed Kindred, he Embraced her against her will and turned her into her enemy. At first, Shane was naturally horrified by what she was, and several times came close to inflicting Final Death upon herself. Each time, however, she could not do it. Her loathing of herself, of what she was, was only increased by her inability to destroy herself. Finally, Shane convinced herself that she could use her immortality to continue to eradicate the universe of all Kindred. But she knew this to be a lie, a self-delusion, and hated herself all the more for her weakness.

She learnt soon enough that Kindred were not the intrinsically evil creatures she had believed them to be. She also realized that indiscriminately hunting vamps would soon get her staked and burned. Shane had no desire to die again, so she stopped her Hunting. But she could never cease her hatred of her own kind.

Shane's friendship with the Nosferatu who saved her extended to the entire Nosferatu warren of her city. She became one of the few Kindred from other clans that they allowed in their sewers, that they trusted. In times of danger, Shane can find safety in their tunnels.

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