Sound Clip notes

Below is an explaination of the quality of the wav files in the "sounds" directory, not that i expect anyone to be able to download them and listen to them because angelfire changes their formats so fucking much i can't keep up, but if you are able to get them, well good for you, you get to experience "oldskool" cryptorchid chipmunk, when we only had 3 members as apposed to our now 7. There used to be mp3s in the sounds directory too... but i removed them because we were running low on space, if you want mp3s go to THIS PAGE! and download stuff. There's also stuff at, but there's more at the other... so there... enjoy!

All of the wav files were recorded live from josh's old house, on his casette player that we just put in the middle of the room. FrankenBeans is pretty rough because we had only played it 3 times before we recorded it.

Sound Clip meanings