Sexy Denise's Page of Hating Cryptorchid Chipmunk

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... and wow am i sexy... it says so right in my e-mail address... so you know it's true. Just in case you missed it on the DP guestbook here was my intelligent and well articulated response to Andrew's foul mouthed and... um... dorky... post...

Date Signed: Tue Feb 19 23:34:31 2002

who the fuck are the Cryptorich Chipmunks.. sounds like they are trying to be like a cheap rip off of my boys DP.. why don't you get a life Andrew since you are a fucking dork.. i looked at your website you guys suck. fucking losers.

Some of my favorite links are on this page... as well as my 3 favorite things about andrew... enjoy!

UPDATE! Feb 8, 2003...
Andrew wrote me a letter, it goes...

you probably don't remember me... i'm andrew... i'm a fucking dork... remember? From:
Date Signed: Tue Feb 19 23:34:31 2002

who the fuck are the Cryptorich Chipmunks.. sounds like they are trying to be like a cheap rip off of my boys DP.. why don't you get a life Andrew since you are a fucking dork.. i looked at your website you guys suck. fucking losers. yeah... that was lots of fun. I like to know that i get a strong response from people, i liked it so much i put the quote on my webpage... but i would like to correct one inaccuracy... our band actually existed before DP (1995) so we can't be a rip-off of them... well... i guess we still can be... we'd just have to change to be one... so never mind... i take it back... sure we're a rip-off of DP. Just want you to know that i really do like DP (as it said in my posting). still don't have a life... hence the e-mail from some girl (or guy) that i've never met who told me off on some band's message board... hmm... that sounds more pathetic after i wrote it... anyway... i don't expect a response... that's cool... i never check our band's e-mail anyway... bryan would just get pissed because he'd have to read them and we try to keep this address to booking only... so how are you? still like to lash out at people randomly because they have a different sense of humor? well that's good to know... wow... i've just been inspired... yes! i'm going to make a sexy denise page on my web page... it'll be great! but i don't have much to go on, oh well... it'll be good, i promise... it'll be on "Andrew's CC page" (that's the page on have you ever even heard us? well don't bother, we're just a cheap rip-off of DP anyway... in fact we're officially now an all DP cover band... well... not really... but i wish we were... well the page is almost done... hope you like it, see ya later -andrew... the fucking loser

well damn it... her e-mail address doesn't work... i mean... um... my e-mail address doesn't work... so um... i never got that e-mail... anyway... bye