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Hi, I guess I'm one of the newest addition to the family, actually, come to think of it, I believe Ewok and I moved in about the same time. I like it here, everyone is very nice to me, but they want to treat me like a baby all the time. There are some real nice looking boys here, that I'm not even allowed to look at, much less get to play with. Ewok is very nice looking, but there's also a very good looking silver boy here too, that I've had my eye on, when I don't get caught. I'll show you a picture of him soon as I get the chance. If you would like to see my pedigree, go to
Hi, My name is CH Taurus Silver Chip. I am a chinchilla silver. My Mother's name is CH Rolynrose Precious Angel and My Father's name is CH Tanji Damon. I came to live at UGENIUSPURS CATTERY around the first of June. Even though I am known as the old man around here, I'm not too old to recognize a nice looking girl when I see one, and believe me there are some real nice ones around here. If you would like to see my pedigree, go to
Hi, My name is Casanova. I guess you have already met my sister,"Goldie". We came here to live at UGENIUSPURS at the same time. I always liked living here before, but lately I've been kind of mad, I don't think it's fair, but just as I started liking and playing with some the girls around here, I was rushed into a different room, which I think is very unfair. I did over hear Eugenia saying to someone that I would be introduced to some new girls that just came to live here a couple days ago, so I guess I'll just have to wait aound until then. If you would like to see my pedigree you can go to >
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