* ======================================================================= * File: importing_excel_dates.SPS . * Date: 22-Nov-2007 . * Author: Bruce Weaver, bweaver@lakeheadu.ca . * Notes: How to deal with problems that can arise when importing date variables from Excel . * ======================================================================= . * Importing DATE variables from Excel often leads to trouble. * I have sometimes ended up with a STRING variable with an * assortment of date formats, as in the file created below. DATA LIST LIST / datestr (a11). BEGIN DATA. 30/11/03 30/06/04 28/02/04 30/04/04 30-04-04 31-05-04 30-06-04 29-02-04 38073 38136 37954 38073 END DATA. list. * The cases with "/" or "-" are in the European date * format EDATE8. They can be converted to date * variables using the NUMBER function with the * EDATE8 function. compute #slash = index(datestr,'/') GT 0 . compute #dash = rindex(datestr,'-') GT 0. if #slash or #dash date = number(datestr, EDATE8). VARIABLE LABEL date "Date". VARIABLE LEVEL date (SCALE). FORMATS date (DATE11). VARIABLE WIDTH date(11). list. * If those cases had been in the American date format, * I would have used format ADATE8 instead of EDATE8 in * the NUMBER function when converting DATESTR to DATE. * ------------------------------------------------------ . * The last 4 cases in the file are from a different kettle of fish. * Remember that these data came from Excel. * Excel stores dates using either the 1900 or 1904 or system. * The default is the 1900 system. * In the 1900 system, 1-Jan-1900 is stored as a 1; 2-Jan-1900 as a 2, etc. * The maximum numeric value is 295846, which corresponds to 31-Dec-9999. * In SPSS, a date variable is stored as the number of seconds * from 0:00:00 14-Oct-1582 to the date and time specified. * If no time is specified in the value of a date variable, * a time of 0:00:00 is assumed. * In SPSS, 31-Dec-1899 is stored as 10010304000. * In SPSS, 01-Jan-1900 is stored as 10010390400. * In SPSS, 02-Jan-1900 is stored as 10010476800. * 10010390400- 10010304000 = 86,400, the number of seconds in one day. * 10010476800- 10010390400 = 86,400, the number of seconds in one day. * So, to convert the number-strings in DATESTR to true dates, we must * do the following: * [1] convert the number-strings to numbers * [2] convert the numbers from the Excel system to the SPSS system * [3] set variable DATEVAR equal to that numeric value. do if missing(date). - compute excelnum = number(datestr,f11.0). - compute spssnum = excelnum * 86400 + 10010304000 . - compute date = spssnum. end if. exe. format excelnum spssnum(f11.0). list. * ======================================================================= .