". . . but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day
approaching." Hebrews 10:25

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Friday, January 18, 2002
Sara Trewhella, a Missionary to the Preborn in Milwaukee, Wisconsin,

I was down at the Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in Milwaukee this
morning. Thirty-two women entered in to the gates of hell (braving the 10
degree weather to ensure their own pleasure). Thirty-two, but one
returned. A black couple, probably in their twenties, nicely dressed,
obviously not suffering any sort of financial difficulty. Jim Soderna
gave them one of the UPP brochures on Planned Parenthood, showing the
bloody photos of 7 and 21 week old babies who had been aborted. He
declared to them what abortion was and held his 7 week old baby model
between his fingers. The couple walked further up the street where I was
able to talk with them. They claimed to know Jesus so I questioned them
as to how they justified the killing of their own innocent child.
Conviction was evident, especially when I challenged the young man about
taking responsibility for his baby. Time is short and soon they were

Ten minutes later they came back out. The pro-aborts who had earlier
escorted them in now stood with dumb looks on their faces. They knew the
couple wasn't in long enough to receive counseling (counseling from the
devil that is). I ran across the street and asked where they were going,
"We're leaving," came the reply. "Are you going to have the abortion?" I
asked; the dad answered "No. We can't kill our baby. I'm going to take
responsibility for my son." There were tears in his eyes as I praised
God. The mother was walking as fast as she could, seemingly trying to
flee the place of death as soon as possible. I gave them a flyer with the
names and numbers of a bunch of different crisis pregnancy centers in
town; I told them to call if they need any sort of help. Their names are
Katrina and Bernett. I told them I'd keep them in prayer, and I ask you
to do the same.

There have been quite a few turn-aways and saves in the past two weeks.
Sometimes you feel like your presence out at the clinic isn't
accomplishing a thing, and unless you rely on God, you're right. He is
the One who makes us faithful, able, and worthy. All Glory to God!

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Monday, January 21, 2002
Michaeljon Murphy, Waukesha, Wisconsin, writes:

There are five people who regularly witness in front of the Super Video
and Variety store in West Allis, WI, a store that sells porn and drug
paraphernalia. One of the store workers comes to the door frequently to
look out at the preachers. She will hold the door open for the perverts
as they enter, and mock the efforts of the Christians. Tonight (01/21),
she was taking particular delight in her mocking. As I was preaching from
the sidewalk to the patrons, a vile man wearing a dress cursed me on his
way into the store. When he left, the store worker held the door open for
him. He got into a car driven by another male companion. It was fitting
that the store worker was close to the door when the driver backed his
car right into her new car! She ran out, yelling at the two perverts. I
took the opportunity to preach loudly to all of the people involved. The
worker came out repeatedly to check the damage on her car, giving me
additional time to point out that she had just been given a wake up call
from a God who judges, and that she could be spared from the final
judgment if she would repent. Sometimes it is disheartening to preach to
those whom I fear have been given over to a reprobate mind, but it is
encouraging when God reveals so clearly that He is at work giving the
wicked pause to consider Him and their need of a Savior.

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Tuesday, January 22, 2002
Dan LaFreniere, Jericho Mission, Fort Worth, Texas, writes:

On 1-19-02 our Lord sent out 7 warriors to the West Side Clinic to do
battle with the enemy. Pastor Jim and I manned the parking lot while the
others manned the signs and prayed. We preached and offered mercy for
about an hour and a half. It did not look like we were going to see
anyone change their minds so we prayed.

After a few minutes a car pulled in with a Hispanic woman in it. She was
alone. Following right behind her was a car with 2 Hispanic women and 1
Hispanic man inside it and they parked close by the first Hispanic
woman's car. I offered help and the C.P.C.'s phone number and then I
preached too them all as they rapidly went into the clinic. Jim and I
began to pray and in a few minutes they all came out and were standing
around smoking and talking to the Deathscorts.

I started preaching instantly and after a few minutes I stopped and
Pastor Jim started preaching in Spanish. After a few minutes Pastor Jim
would stop and I would preach in English. We tagged teamed like this for
about 5 minutes when all of a sudden the single Hispanic girl bolted out
of the crowd and headed towards her car. Then the other 3 Hispanics
started yelling at her that they were going to beat her up and maybe even
kill her if she did not come back inside the clinic right now.

I began yelling at the Deathscorts that reverse F.A.C.E. was happening
and they should help her to leave. Pastor Jim continued to talk in
Spanish to her as she tried to get inside her car. Trying to give her
courage and hope to leave. I yelled at Joann (head Deathscort) that she
believes in choice and this girl wants to leave and the others were
trying to make her stay.

Then the others started yelling at us that the girl was an adulteress and
she had an affair and that we should concern ourselves with that sin
instead of the sin of murder. I yelled back at them and told them that
this was not the way to make an atonement for that sin. That the child
was innocent and that she could repent and be forgiven and so could they.
At the same time Joann went up to the 3 trouble makers and told them that
they had to leave and this gave the girl enough time to escape. She drove
by us and smiled and we waved at her with a sigh of relief and a
thanksgiving in our hearts for our Lord's work.

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Tuesday, January 22, 2002
Mark Gabriel, Missionary to the Preborn, Appleton, Wisconsin, writes:

1/14/02 - An Officer, whom I have had troubles with in the past, called
me to ask for help for a girl named Amy who is deciding between abortion
and adoption. I e-mailed him names and phone numbers of women and
pregnancy centers that would be eager to help her bring forth life.

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Friday, January 25, 2002
Jim Soderna, a Missionary to the Preborn in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, writes:

Yesterday, a woman called in the afternoon and said she had received one
of our pamphlets that morning when she went to the Summit death camp in
Milwaukee, WI. When she got home, she read the pamphlet and was disgusted
and shocked by the pictures. She then talked with her boyfriend, and they
decided to keep their baby. She thanked us three times when she left her
message. She was glad we gave her another view and option about
abortion. PRAISE GOD! May God use this child.

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Wednesday, January 30, 2002
Pastor Ralph Ovadal, Christ the King Church, Monroe, Wisconsin, writes:

I want to thank everyone who prayed for my family's ministry trip to
Florida. We distributed salvation tracts and WCU literature in several
states during our travels, including leaving some packets of information
to a number of churches in Alabama.

I preached in two different churches in Northern Florida on Sunday and
the Lord chose to use the time very effectively for His kingdom and His
righteousness. After my Sunday morning message, an older man told me,
"Christians around here ain't been living right. You told them what they
needed to hear. People's lives have been changed forever." At the other
service, the pastor told those present that his heart had been touched by
the Holy Spirit and he has much to think about.

In Miami, I spoke to about one-hundred pastors and community leaders,
including a Miami city councilman. The message was very enthusiastically
received and seemed to really stir up the listeners. Afterward, everyone
wanted WCU literature, and I also gave away thirty-four Answering Sodom
books to key people.

The trip began with my speaking to a Right to Life rally in the capitol
building in Springfield, Illinois. There were about 800 people who heard
the message. Since there were many Roman Catholics in the crowd, I spent
about one-third of my message sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ,
stressing that one can only be saved through faith in Jesus Christ. A
priest who was present took great offense at my message, but several
Christians in the crowd expressed great joy that so many Catholics heard
their false gospel repudiated and the true way of salvation shared.
Thanks again to all who prayed, and praise the Lord that He is willing to
use all of us in such ways.

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Submissions to "News from the Front" must be 400 words or fewer, written
in first person, and sent to minutemanalert@juno.com

The purpose of "News from the Front" is to encourage the people of God by
reporting specific victories, large and small, achieved on the front
lines through the grace of God. It is not our purpose to keep readers
updated on the day-in and day-out labor of various missionaries and
ministries or even special events. If you know of a special event or a
critical situation which does need decisive action and fervent prayer,
send the info to this address. Explain the need, and we will put the word
out under a Minuteman Alert and will also consider airing it on Pastor
Ovadal's radio program "The Heart of the Matter."

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The Heart of the Matter Radio Program
Ralph Ovadal, Host
Anytime Monday through Saturday on the Internet

