Arrest Made Under New Flight Rule

The Associated Press
Monday, February 11, 2002; 5:43 PM

SALT LAKE CITY -- An airline passenger who allegedly got up to go the
bathroom less than 30 minutes before landing became the first person
arrested under a new federal flight regulation adopted for the Olympics.

Richard Bizarro, 59, could get up to 20 years in prison on charges of
interfering with a flight crew.

Bizarro was on a Delta flight from Los Angeles on Saturday when he
left his seat 25 minutes before landing, despite two warnings from the
captain to the 90 passengers to stay put as required under the 30-minute
rule adopted for Salt Lake City by the Federal Aviation Administration.

Because of the incident, air marshals aboard the plane ordered all
passengers to put their hands on their heads for the rest of the flight.

Bizarro, of Park City, was jailed overnight and released on his own
recognizance. Messages left with his attorney and at his home were not
returned Monday.

Authorities said a flight attendant instructed Bizarro to return to his
immediately after he left the bathroom. She said Bizarro, who is
and 220 pounds, ignored her orders and stared at her for about a minute
before returning to his seat, according to the FBI.

The incident was seen by two of three undercover air marshals on board,
FBI said. One of the agents said he saw Bizarro give what appeared to be
"thumbs up" to another passenger as he returned to his seat, prompting
marshals to take control of the cabin.

The Salt Lake City rule requiring no passenger movement during the last
minutes went into effect Feb. 5. It already had been in effect for
to Reagan International Airport in Washington.

© 2002 The Associated Press


"Good intentions will always be pleaded for every assumption of
It is hardly too strong to say that the Constitution was made to guard
people against the dangers of good intentions. There are men in all ages
mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good
masters, but they mean to be masters." -- Daniel Webster


"I have no reason to suppose that he, who would take away my Liberty,
not when he had me in his Power, take away everything else." John Locke

"I am sure there was no man born marked of God above another for none
into the world with a saddle upon his back, neither any booted and
to ride him."- Last words of Richard Rumbold before being hanged for
planning an insurrection against the tyrant Charles II, 1679

