Children with guns don't kill people.
Children with NO MORAL VALUES kill people.

There are many factors in the increase in crimes committed by students
beyond what our learned liberal social scientists understand. Let me
suggest some rather unpopular and politically incorrect reasons for the
rise of violence among the youth.


Rejection of God
The primary reason for our lust for violence is that our society no longer
worships or acknowledges God. Christianity had played a significant role in
providing a standard in judging education, legislation, and behavior-both
public and private, yet in the 1990s, it has actually become unpopular to
advocate traditional Judeo-Christian values, such as the Ten Commandments.
Thanks to Political Correctness, the popular culture ridicules those who
worship God as the sovereign creator. Instead, it is popular to put our
faith and trust in ourselves or in other creations of God.

Family Breakdown
The breakdown of two-parent families is more than obvious. Just 40 years
ago families usually lived close to grandparents. Fathers were responsible
for the welfare of the family. Moms generally stayed home. It was safe to
walk to school or go to the movies unattended. Today, statistics show
divorce is at an all time high in the United States. It is now so common
for young people to grow up in divorced households that the term "broken
family" is now a forgotten expression in the popular culture. Fathers are
living apart from their natural children. Mothers no longer stay at home,
but work as a head of the household. As a result, women in our society have
lost their feminine identity and the moral authority of fathers is
undermined by a society that no longer embraces the structure of the

Moral Relativity
We have abandoned the traditional notion of right and wrong and personal
responsibility. These children have been raised in the liberal philosophies
of "tolerance" and "there is no one right way" of doing things. So, given
their supposition that there is more than one right way to deal with a
relationship gone bad, why not shoot her? Hey, we need to tolerate these
kids differences, right?
For 20 years or more, relative truth - what's good for you - has been
taught, rather than biblically based absolute truth. We have indulged a
generation: 'You have a right to your feelings,' instead of the biblical
idea that you need to have self-control.


Public Government Schools
It should be no surprise of the escalation of violence in our public
government run schools. It is within the walls of those schools where our
children are taught to reject God, to embrace moral relativity, and to
disrespect life.
God has been banned from our schools. Prayer is outlawed. Christian
expression is stifled and mocked. The very foundation upon which our laws
are based and upon which morality is judged - "The Ten Commandments" has
been removed. "Thou Shalt Not Kill" is a principle not deemed important in
our schools.

Public education has rather taken up the mantle of the likes of John Dewey
and his ilk teaching the religion of Secular Humanism. It should be no
surprise our kids act the way they do... they're only doing what they've
been taught. We are teaching our children in schools across the nation that
they evolved from reptiles and animals. Why should we be surprised when
they act like animals?

Our schools are teaching our youngsters that premarital sex is alright if
they only practice "safe sex" and protect themsevles from disease. If a
young girl happens to get pregnant from this enlighted view of sex, no
problem ... the Planned Parenthood trained school counselor just sends them
to a local abortionist to kill the baby. Today, the popular culture views
abortion as a "right." And, what's the bottom line lesson? Life is cheap!
When we, as a society, can condone the killing of 1.4 million babies a
year, what message can we be giving besides, "life is cheap." When women
are given the power to decide if a helpless baby in their womb is going to
die, then don't be so surprised when they think that a baby is subject to
their will, and kill it five seconds after it's born and throw it in a
dumpster, or five years after it's born.The principle of violence is the

The failure of our government to outlaw the barbaric procedure known as
partial-birth abortion demonstrates how intolerant of life the culture has
become. . Human life means nothing to many of our lawmakers. Why should it
mean anything to our children?

Anchor Hugh Downs introduced a 1991 ABC News segment: "Your child could be
in a class that only a few years ago might have been unthinkable- death
education. These classes are supposed to prepare young people for coping
with death and while most schools make it part of a health class, some
actually make it an entire course." Tom Jarriel went on to report how Tara
Becker, a junior at Columbine High in Littleton, Colorado believed she was
seduced into a suicide attempt by her Death Ed class. Becker told the news
magazine: "I had thought about [suicide] as a possible option for a lot of
years, but I never would have gone through with it, never, because I wasn't
brave enough. The things that we learned in the class taught us how to be
brave enough to face death." [Drudge Report, April 24, 1999]

Steadily, society's undermining of life is growing to include calls for
legalizing euthanasia, assisted suicide, and scientific experimentation. Is
it any wonder these kids don't have respect for life? We are, in fact,
teaching them to disrespect life.


The Environment
For years, one of the Liberals favorite reasons for violence was the
environment children are raised in. They liked to say that it was poverty
that drives these kids to violence. They are now having to back away from
that a little as the violence spreads into middle class suburbia. The
15-year-old student in Springfield, Oregon who shot his parents and gunned
down his fellow students was from a good family, on the right side of town.
The high-school freshman lived in a big, beautiful house. He hung out with
the preppies at school and played football. He was just an average,
everyday kid. The High School senior involved in the shooting in
Fayetteville Tennessee was among the top 25 students in the 307-member
senior class.
It is becoming increasingly clear that Liberals are missing the bigger
picture - they ignore the personal responsibility of each and every one of

It's a lack of parental supervision at home, a lack of family involvement
in school, and homes where children get NO religious training. It's the
isolation, rejection, and lonliness these kids feel in their broken and
dysfunctional familes. These kids have lost that family "connectedness" of
feeling loved, wanted and cared about by parents and being satisfied with
the relationship to the mother and/or father. Many kids are doomed to go
through life not knowing God and that He loves them and is there for them
and that He can help them in time of need.

Yes, the often-violent cultural environment we live in is a contributing
factor in the violence. It's an evironment where parents are replaced with
guidance counselors, love is replaced with distrust and hate, personal
responsibility is replaced with socialist government programs, truth is
replaced with relativism,sacrifice is replaced with selfishness, and God is
replaced with chaos and evil.


We tell these kids that Joe Camel is bad for them but glamorize and condone
alcohol. Teachers send children to their alcoholic homes where they are
abused by a drunk parent and then respond by calling Juvinile authorities
who take them out of the home and place them in foster care. These
hypocritical messages are received by the kids who learn they are only
pawns meant to be played by some liberal political cause.
We tell them that drugs will harm them. At home their medicine cabinet is
full of all sorts of drugs: drugs for headaches, allergies, asthma,
heartburn, nasal congestion, impotence, or hair loss. Worse yet, we give
our kids Prozac or other drugs to control their behavior, but tell them
that pleasurable drugs like marijuana is bad for them.Hardly a consistent
15-year-old Kip Kinkel was on Prozac for his murder spree.


Corrupt Government
A government that lives off of society's moral decay is another reason for
the out of control violence we are beginning to see. The Roman civilization
crumbled under the weight of an immoral and corrupt government.Over the
years, our government has devised the creation of whole agencies that exist
for no other reason than to manage some of the most immoral aspects of the
The National Endowment for the Arts and the Legal Services Corporation are
examples of agencies that foster society's decline. Within the judicial
branch of government, judges accountable to no one have helped undermine
the religious freedoms that were once the centerpiece of our society. Laws
once protected children and families. Criminals were punished severely for
rape. People were arrested for cohabitation and adultery. Sodomy, outlawed
in every state, was listed in the newspaper as a "crime against nature." A
couple having a child out of wedlock was ostracized, and homosexuality was
as foreign to the world as walking on the moon.


Dare I suggest that the people responsible for the above
are responsible for the rise in violenceand decay of our society?
These are the people responsible for the killing.
They might as well of put the guns in these children's hands.

They are largely responsible
for the degredation of ethics and morals in this country
and have directly encouraged and condoned
the violence we now see.

The blood of the children murdered
in Colorado, Oregon, Arkansas, Kentucky,
Mississippi, Michigan, New Jersey, Illinois,
and throughout this nation is on their hands.
