Pastor Butch Paugh, pictured here with his wife Marsha Jean, has preached
the gospel of Christ for almost 20 years. He has pastored four different churches for a combination of 14 years.
They live in the mountains of beautiful West Virginia. They are the very blessed parents of three grown young men, two wonderful daughters-in-love, both of Godly character, and just as of now the grandparents of a lovely year old GRANDdaughter.
Eric, our oldest, and his wife Denise live in Colorado Springs, CO.
Eric is a fifth grade teacher and Denise is employed by Focus on The Family. She is one of the most perfect examples of a Christian wife and home maker, you enter her home and know you are so welcome and every where you look, you see her touch of love for her home. Eric will be finishing his Master's degree in June and they both have worked very hard to make this possible.
Jamie, Pam and Madison live in Duck, West Virginia, about and hour away from us. Jamie works 6 days a week as manager of a supermarket and of course Pam works at and does a wonderful job of being a fulltime mommy and wife. She also has a special gift from God to be there when others that are
having a rough time. So we don't see to much of them either.
Patrick, our "baby" 22 years old and mommy is the only one that can
still call him her baby boy. At 6'5" not too many others are going to call
him baby. He lives and works in Richmond, VA. He works in management and
personnel and customer relations with Burger King Corp. He is still living
the single life, because,he believes what his daddy always told them...don't
date and get serious with someone that you would not marry, trust and wait
upon the Lord...He might want to ring my neck for saying this...But if there
is any good Christian girls that would like to write him with the intentions
of being friends...Just let us know..<smile>
Pastor Butch and I (Marsha Jean) are so thankful that all our family
stays in touch usually 2-3 times a week, just to check in. I do believe
that is almost a lost art in families today...
We love all the listeners and those that receive the newsletters so
very much. You letters of support mean so much to us, only He the HOLY GHOST
can let you know how much.
Please keep Pastor Butch lifted up in your the woman that
knows him better than anyone else on this earth...He is a Godly man,
husband, daddy, papaw and Pastor. Thank you in advance for prayers for our
We are hoping to do new updates on the web page ASAP We are so
thankful for the gentleman that helps us with this, because with out his
help, there would be no web page. and remember you can email Pastor Butch at or myself, Marsha Jean at we
would love to hear from you...
A Helpmeet in Christ Service,
Marsha Jean Paugh
