Hi again,
Just pesty ole me....on the meet Pastor Butch and Marsha Jean
our youngest Patrick is back here close to home and working in Management of one of the corporations in Summersville, only 13 miles from home...It is his apartment where we meet for Sun. morning Bible study...He felt God was leading him back to this area...there is no place that Nicholas county he says....<smile> and ye he is still single...I might be in trouble if he reads this..haha
Also and update on our oldest son and daughter in love...as I am typing this at 1:51AM Sat 26, they will be leaving Denver Co, for St. Petersburg Russia to see for the first time, except on video, and I think I have just about wore my copy out, their son, Eric Dylan Paugh...they will be in Russia for a week then they have to leave, with out Eric Dylan, and then it is up to the Russian government if it will be 2 weeks or 2-3 months before their court date in Russia, it is all a power game at the expense of my children and grand children, yes I said grand children...they are hoping to have a second to bring home when the bring Dylan home...Please be in prayer for them for a safe trip, and also financially...adoption is not cheap....the have always used their heads to stay out of debt....but because their credit is so good...they have not had trouble getting the money, well grandpaw and grandmaw help a little , as much as we could but not near enough...boy do we live in a bad state of the nation when sodomites can adopt here in the USA with in 5 months a newborn and if they are not found one they can sue...something is not right here folks....thanks for your prayers...
Just wanted to give you a few up dates and prayer request....also remember our son Patrick, that just moved back.., he is looking for another job because he does not want to get married and have a family until he is sure the girl is right for him and he wants to be able to support her as a godly man should.
Excuse my long windedness...take caaare
A Help Meet In Christ Service
Marsha Jean

Email.. mjdp7@ezla.net
