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Hi, my name is Becky Jo Sheppard. I reside at Delbarton West Virginia. I am 37 years old. I graduated from Belfry High School. I have two children who attend Burch High School. Thats why Im wearing a Burch jersey in the picture, in case you are wondering.My son is Billy, and my daughter is Kristin.
I am very proud of my kids.

Let me introduce you to a very, very special person that has recently came in to my life.
His name is Andy Fouch.
He is the sweetest person I have ever met.
He is absolutely fun to be with, very kind and thoughtful

and as you can see for yourself,

I dont think he realizes how very happy he has made me.
He has turned my life around, and gave me something I've wanted for a long time....

Thank You Andy

Anyways, For the rest, Glad you could stop by and check out my site.
Browse around, enjoy your stay, and come back often.
Oh yeah, sign my guestbook before you leave.
I love to see who has been here, and what you think of my site.

My sister is now home. Was released on Aug. 29th, 2003.(Time Served)
Now maybe my family can get on with our lives.

A page for
My neice and nephews

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As far as my counter...I had a whole lot more than this. I have had my page going now since uhhh about 1998 atleast. I had a counter that was from beseen.com and they went off the net so I lost my counter and had to start over :(
Anyways, this new one was added on January 2, 2003.
Thanks for clicking on my page and adding another "HIT" :)

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For if ye forgive men their trespasses, 
your heavenly Father will also forgive you
Matthew 6:14