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Churches in Brooke County…If you have names and records of other churches not listed here and would like to share them with us, please contact me by E Mail or the snail mail address on page one.

From "The Presbyterian Church of Wellsburg"


A copy of this book is on the shelf in the Wellsburg Library, genealogy section.

In 1793 the Presbytery of Ohio was created which contained what now makes up the Presbyteries of Washington, Wheeling, Steubenville and other sections of the State of Ohio. This Presbytery continued until 1819. On its records Charlestown is mentioned as a place where supply preachers were sent from time to time. There must have been a Presbyterian organization in Wellsburg by this time although not yet officially into a church by the Presbytery. In fact an early document of Jacob DeCamp, a pioneer of Presbyterianism in Wellsburg, was given to the church by a descendant and is now pasted on the front of the earliest existing session record. It is dated October 8, 1817, and contains a subscription list of those who contributed to help bring ministers to Wellsburg to hold services for the Presbyterians of the town. The document goes as follows:

"We the subscribers, desirous of having the gospel preached in this place promise to pay to Jacob DeCamps and James Stevenson the sums annexed to our names, in three equal payments to wit: One-third the first of November, one-third the first of January, and one-third the first of March next, for the purpose of paying such of the Presbyterian ministers as may be sent as supplies to administer the word and ordinance in this place, betwixt this time and the first of May next.