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Let me tell you a little about myself. I have been married for 16 years. I have 3 children, Susan, who is 12, going on 18, Andrew who is 10 and Amanda. I was born and raised in Northern Illinois until my move to the Panhandle of West Virginia in Feb of 1998. It is very beautiful here but, I still miss my home state of Illinois. It was very hard for me to pick up and move cross country leaving all my friends behind.

As you already know I love to cross stitch. I enjoy doing round robins, and the different exchanges. I really enjoy stitching. The only problem is I always end up giving everything away. I did finally do a project for myself. It took me almost a year to finish with all of the other projects I do. It was Told in the Garden's "Song of the People". As soon as I get it framed I will display it.

I am Certified Cross Stitch Crazy! I collect any pattern that tickles my fancy and at one time subscribed to 7 different cross stitch magazines. I have narrowed my self down to just StoneyCreek, Cross Country Stitching,and The Cross Stitcher.

My hubby tolerates my stitching to a point as long as I don't get too crazy when I go shopping. Luckly, I don't have a shop nearby! And I'm very good at hiding all of my patterns. I finally gave up on kits because they were just taking up to much room. It's surprising how many leaflets you can get in a filing cabinet!