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Voltron's Destruction

This is my STORY!!!!!!!

The planet of wolves had been pounded by the Fleet of Doom and allies for many months now and the help they requested from GG never arrived. The wolves grew tired and were ready to revolt against the alliance for what they had done. Even Sharateil was ready to revolt after one of the senators tried bringing charges against her. They were dropped, but the damage was done. The wolves were restless and even the robot wolves seemed to await the turning on the alliance. Problem was the other voltrons would be needed to protect from another three robeast attacks. But, if Greywolf was to make a deal with the forces of doom then he could maybe keep his people free and maybe even gain control of the other voltrons so that he could maintain the freedom of his planet. The alliance fighters also had a big part in the destruction of one town on the wolf planet. They had no respect for the wolves or anything of theirs. They even took the WV as a joke saying it was a walking piece of scrap metal. Greywolf decided now was the time, though he hated doing this to friends, then he thought to himself…

Greywolf: What kind of friends are these?

The meeting was arranged, Lotor would meet with Greywolf that night, as would the other two leaders. At GG the actions were being discussed.

Graham: I am saying we should help them with all we can afford.

Keith: But I think Greywolf is a rogue, if he wasn't he would have joined the alliance.

Graham: The wolf people just like their freedom, we cannot ask them to give it up.

Keith: I still do not know Sky Marshal

Graham: And if we do not help them, they are bound to turn against us. Maybe they already have for our lack of help.

Keith: Well do not fear Marshal Voltron can handle anything.

Graham: Yes, that's what I am afraid of.

Keith: What do you mean?

Graham: Wolf Voltron.

Keith: He is still no match for the lions.

Graham: Well it is still voltron. And you never know. Wolf Voltron has never shown all its power. We do not know what it is capable of.

Keith: Nothing can beat Lion Voltron. Not even the wolves.

Graham: Well lets hope it does not come to that.

Night time falls and the revenge lands outside of the capitol of the wolves. Lotor gets out wondering why this meeting was called. Him and the others go into the building being escorted by a werewolf guard. The WV force was there and Greywolf motioned for them to sit. As they all sat down the meeting cominced.

Greywolf: This will be as short as possible. I will help you destroy the LV and VV IF you leave my planet alone after the alliance is destroyed.

Lotor: Let me get this straight you will trade one planet for the whole alliance.

Greywolf: If it means my peoples freedom.

Xeric: Why should we trust you.

Greywolf: Well why should I really trust you.

Xeric: Point taken.

Lotor: What should we do my allies.

After the vote was taken, and was in favor of the deal, the plans were made. Wolf Voltron was covered in the special metal that even the blazing sword had problems cutting through. One more robeast was made, a pheonix robeast to back up WV, and the target was set. The castle of lions. It would be three days before all the preparations were ready. After that the attack would begin. Lotor had the condition that the princess was his. Greywolf was busy in his room when the WV force walks in.

Red: Should we do this?

Greywolf: I really do not know, but I am tried of my people dying fighting alliance battles that when they do send help the help they send destroys more than the doom forces.

Shadow: I agree. I have seen the why our soldiers are treated under alliance officers.

Brian: OK. Then should we trust our new allies?

Greywolf: No.

Sharateil: We should stop them too after we defeat the alliance.

Greywolf: I am hoping to salvage some of the lions if not all that way we can keep them to their deal by force if need be.

Sharateil: Well then let's get to it. We should strike as soon as we can.

Greywolf: Tomorrow is the day we strike.

Noon the next day at the castle of lions the alarms sound. On the scanner there is multiple ships. The whole fleet of Doom and some! The attack begins as the ships strike taking out the turrets before they can fire back. The wolves swoop in and destroy the guns. The lions are launched and attack the fleet only to confront the wolves. The wolves fire a volley of missiles onto the lions forcing them to the ground before they can launch an offensive.

Lance: What are they doing?

Keith: This is Commander Keith, Greywolf What are you doing?

Greywolf: You left us to Lotor, now we leave you to him.

Allura: We didn't mean for this to happen.

Greywolf: Of course you didn't. You don't like YOUR planet under attack.

Keith: There is no reasoning now. WING ATTACK!

Black lions wings detach and clear a path so that the lions fly up into the sky.

Greywolf: they are going to form voltron. Let's do it too.

Keith and Greywolf: Form Voltron. Activate interlocks. Dynatherms connected. Infercells up. Megathursters are go!

All: Lets go voltron force.

The robot wolves and lions fly up and form the two massive robots. They stand facing each other off. LV punches but it is blocked by WV who kicks using the white wolves speed to hit the LV before he knew what got him. LV falls back, and WV jumps on him only to be hit by Blue lion as LV kicks back.

Keith: Spinning Laser blades.

The spiked circle appeared and was thrown at WV who easily catches it and throws it back. It hits and rips a hole in the LV.

Keith: Form Blazing Sword!

Greywolf: Chest beam.

The emblem on WV chest lights up and fires a blast hitting the red lion and causing LV to drop the sword.

Keith: Prepare to energize lion heads. Lion heads detach and attack.

Greywolf: Fire wolf heads.

The arm heads fire and the wolf heads smash through the lion heads destroying them.

Keith: Lance! Pidge! NO!

Allura: Why did you do this?

Greywolf: How many of my people did you let die? Do you really care?

Keith: Let's finish this.

LV kicks, but WV catches the feet with the teeth on the hand and crushes the head of yellow lion. WV then picks up the sword of LV and slices LV straight down the middle. And going right through Black lion's cockpit. Blue lion detaches and goes to fly off but is kicked by WV and is forced down. The wolves split up and Allura climbs out shooting some attacking robots. Black wolf lands and Sharateil gets out and kicks the blaster knocking it out of Allura's hand. Allura tries to punch her, but Sharateil kicks her in the chest causing her to lose her breath and then Sharateil punches her in the stomach a few times before kicking her and knocking her back.

Sharateil: You are pathetic.

Allura gasps and Sharateil pulls her laser knife and drives it into the princesses heart. Lotor runs down to his beloved. Tears in his eyes as he holds her lifeless body.

Lotor: You will pay for this!

Sharateil: Yeah right. She is the enemy.

Lotor: Fleet attack.

The wolves form WV again and destroy the fleet with many missiles and lasers that destroy the already battered fleet. Then a robeast is released. It is a giant Reptilian robeast. It bites the WV but does not go through the new armor. WV uses the eyebeams to push it back and then the robeast fires missiles from a launcher on his back and WV takes the hit moving slightly back. WV forms his blazing sword and and picks up LV's sword too. Then hits the reptile across the chest in an X and the team watch him explode. Lotor retreats back to his castle.

Greywolf: Let's finish off the alliance NOW!

The WV flies off to GG and begins the attack. WV is met by the already formed VV.

VV commander: Spinning laser blades.

Greywolf: Block.

WV uses the swords to block the laser blades as they return to VV. VV fires his ETB's which only slightly damage the new armor of WV.

VV commander: Form blazing sword!

VV forms blazing sword, but WV quickly uses one of the swords to cut his hand off and then drives the other sword through his chest and pushes it down ripping VV in two. WV uses lasers and missiles to destroy any vehicles that try and detach and then totally destroys the GG. Then WV returns home the alliance crumbles and the galaxy now has its own choice to make. The wolves choose to remain free and let the others do, as they will.

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Special thanks to Burai for the awesome pic of the battle damaged voltrons!
Voltron is property of WEP World events production. Voltron, the voltron force, and the drules and doom forces are theirs. Greywolf, Shadow, Brian, Red, Xeric, andf the wolf voltron are my creations. If anyone would like to use them (yeah right like anyone would) Please email and I will get back to you.
