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Here is where it all begins. The best way to adopt a Pagan/Wiccan lifestyle is to read and learn about it first. You will never stop learning and Paganism is something that you will never, and could never, know EVERYTHING about. There are hundreds of websites that can provide you with the basics, such as this one. The net can also help you to find other Pagans and Wiccans in your area. The Internet also has drawbacks unfortunately. Not all the information on it is accurate, so never forget to pick up some books.

One thing you will begin to notice is that everyone has a different opinion and a different way of doing things. Pagan-based religions are wonderful because of their lack of structure. Aside from a few basic principles and rules, you can basically worship in any way you feel comfortable doing so. Use all the information you gather as a guildline and then start to experiment. Now, I have tried my best to provide you with well-rounded and tradition free information. I do not know everything so don't think your learning is done with this website. I'm here to provide you with some knowledge and to maybe help you understand how Paganism works (roughly). Good luck and many bright blessings to you.

This page has been updated as of December 11, 2001!

The Basics

What is Wicca?


The Elements

Wiccan Rede

Thirteen Principles

The Altar

Altar Tools


The Traditions


The Wheel of the Year

Book of Shadows

Your Book of Shadows

Cleansing and Consecration

Magick Circle

Spells and Rituals

Moon Phases

Stones and Herbs



Candle Magick

Tree Lore NEW!

A Bit More...

Wicca Everyday

So You Want To Be A Witch/Pagan??

Do's and Don'ts NEW!

U.S. Army Chaplins' Handbook: Excerpt on Wicca

Charge of the Goddess

Charge of the God

The Wiccan Creed

The Wiccan Rede

Eight Wiccan Tenets

The Afterlife

A Dianic Creation Myth

Chakras NEW!

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