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Hello, my name is Baby-G17 aka HooverChicky17 aka JiggyChicky101 aka Amber Dawn "Baybee" OK everything you need to know about lil ol me!!..Im 17(but i look older so I am told) I live in Elkview WV I go to Hoover WOOHOO Hoover is a burn out school!! (woohoo) hehe I'm in 10 grade (YA) I have failed 1st grade everyone was like its hard to fail 1st grade but guess what...its not hard..I hated it when i had to stay behind without my friends but now i dont care...I have no brothers or sisters. But i have a real close cuz her name is Ashley She is 17 only 2months older than me..she means alot 2 me i dont know what i do without my sis there!!! i luv ya Ashley!! I have another cuz his name is Lin aka Captson he is a pain in da ass when down his dads he calls me all the time LOL we e-mail each other when he is down there!! He loves to call an disconnect me lol...he lives Spencer so I dont get to see him or talk 2 him often.he is 18 an thinks he is the boss the king, God ect. but he isnt he knows i'm boss!! hehe. I enjoy playin' volleyball an the bowl LOL i also like to roller skate, an Snow Ski BUT not very often will you see me standing while skiing LOL...I LOVE ICP INSANE CLOWN POSSE, Kid Rock, Sir Mix Alot (YA BACK GOT BACK)!!!...Ok back to me LOL I am a pretty fly white gyrlie lol I'm 5'10, I have green eyes my hair is now short an now its brown blonde, my real color i think without the frost is brown (I think)I am not small but i'm not huge but i look good!! LOL.... My favorite rooms in talkcity include:!WV-Flirts,and wvgay they are really the only ones i'm in so if you need me i'm in 1 of 'em They are the best in talk city you would ever find! My friends on talkcity are the best ever..if i have a problem i can go to them an they will help me.. I dont think anyone could ever find friends like them.. If you have n/e pix of yourself, friendz ect. send 'em to me! cause i wanna see 'em! I have alot of friends at s'kool but i have 1 best friend her name is Miss Kelli Sue,she is like a sis to me she is always there when i need someone to talk to an everything!! we are two VERY different people i dont see how we ever became friends but i'm so happy we did!! Kelli i know that you will read this (cause i'm gonna e-mail it to you LOL) so i want to say THANKS 4 being my best friend you lil freakish weirdo LOL j/k !! Did i say that my mom was Wild-Flower1? ha i guess i didnt LOL BUT PLEASE dont hold that against me!! LOL She is oh a good mother not the best but not the worst we have our ups an downs ALL THE TIME but i guess all parents an there lil angels does!! ( i hope that doesnt sound mean) Please sign my G'Book :=) LOVE & PEACE TO ALL Lotz of xoxoxo
