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RELAY FOR LIFE started in Tacoma, WA in 1985 when Dr. Gordie Klatt ran and walked solo around the track at the University of Puget Sound for 24 hours, raising more than $27,000 for the fight against cancer. From there grew the American Cancer Society's nationwide signature event, RELAY FOR LIFE. What started as one man's dream is now an event taking place in over 2100 communities across this country as well as in Puerto Rico and Guam. Most importantly, it is raising millions of dollars to fund our life saving programs of research, education, advocacy and service--close to $90 million in 1998!

In addition to being a really fun, really big community slumber party and great fundraising event, it has been described as a "huge compassionate support group" - a place where friends, family and loved ones can come together to celebrate survivorship and to honor those who have lost the battle to this dreaded disease.

RELAY FIR LIFE is the ultimate community event. It is a family activity that anyone can participate in...from the very young to the most senior of senior citizens. Requirements are the desire to fight cancer - to fight back, and a commitment of 12 to 24 hours of your time. And of course, your fundraising skills.

From the opening lap, led by cancer survivors, to the emotional candle lighting luminaria ceremony, through the triumphant final lap, RELAY FOR LIFE is something few participants will ever forget.

For information on the RELAY FOR LIFE in your community, contact your local American Cancer Society or call 1-800-ACS-2345. Or send me an E-Mail

Come join the Party With A Purpose