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By signing up, will you see SMALL ads (OUTSIDE your browser window) while you surf the net. These ads can be turned on and off at anytime. You are paid 50 cents per hour you surf! That may not seem like a lot, but it adds up, as the more time you spend online. You also get paid by referring your friends, if they spend an hour you get .10 cents, it really ads up!

At the end of the month if you spend enough time to get over $20 Dollars you will get a check, if you earned less than $20, it will be carried over to the next month. When you sign up login you account and download the browser (the ad window) and install it, and anytime you surf the web load up the program, and you will get paid .50 cents and hr. while online.

Understand! Well Click Here to join and start earning money.