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In the world of professional wrestling, there have been many different types of matches. Ranging from the basic singles disqualification rules match up to such crazy things as human torch match or dumpster match. With so many different types of matches out there, the wrestlers of todays day have to learn to adapt to such an imaginative but chaotic environment.

In just a few days, IWF Pressure Point will take place, and another very creative but dangerous match will take place. Its a match between two people who hate each other very much, and are going to take it out on each other and what should be a great but unpredictable match. The match is Zidane vs. Tidus in a three stages of hell, which means best two out of three falls except each fall has its own stipulation. The first fall will be a straight up Street Fight, pretty much a singles match but with no rules, like what the name means, it will be a straight up street fight, not a wrestling match, but a fight. The second fall will be a Triple Table, which means you must slam your opponent through not one, not two, but three tables in order to win this fall. The commentary table, due to its massive thickness, counts as three tables. This fall will definitely be destructive, and whoever loses his fall is in serious jeopardy to lose the match itself. Now the third fall is what is known as Xtreme Cage. Theres a cage surrounding the match, but escaping the cage isnt the way to win. Oh no, in this match, you must climb to the very top of the cage, jump off of it and hit some kind of highflying move on your opponent to be declared the winner. So it truly is an extreme match, and no matter who wins this match, whether Zidane or Tidus, they're both going to walk out in horrible physical shape.


Scene One
The mean streets of Portland, Oregon
Wednesday, July 23rd, 2003
9:07 P.M. PAC

The scene fades in to what can be a dark night in the city of Portland in the state of Oregon. The weather is a perfect one, not too hot and not too cold. Despite the awareness of night, there are still people everwhere, then again a big city like Portland should have a lot of people in its urban areas. In the distance the Rose Garden where IWF Pressure Point will be taking place in four days can be seen, with loiterers like skateboarders, roller bladers, pedestrians, everyone walking around it. The people seem to be in their own mood, not really a care in the world.

The camera moves around until it finds the IWF superstar Zidane, who will be in the Rose Garden in four days to fight a Best 2/3 Falls match against his own cousin Tidus. Zidane hates Tidus, Tidus hates Zidane, and the match has show stealer written all over it due to its innovative one different stip per fall.

Zidane can be seen dressed like a normal pedestrian. He obviously doesnt have his wrestling attire on, instead he has a white t-shirt and black jeans on, just like what normal people would wear on normal nights such as these. With his hands in his pocket, Zidane begins talking to the camera and, as such, talking to everyone who happens to be watching this promo.

Zidane-In just four days, I have to fight my cousin Tidus in a type of match that I created. Best two out of three falls, first fall Street Fight, second fall Triple Table, third fall Xtreme Cage. Each stip, more entertaining yet deadlier than the last. This match will truly test the willpower and courage of both me and my cousin Tidus. Tidus, I cant believe hes even related to me. What a pathetic excuse for a person, he spends all of his spare time playing video games and now what? Now he thinks hes the god damn person from some game. Dont try to play stupid Tidus, I know who you are. You and I were a tag team together, remember? We even held the Tag Titles together and now, we're on separate sides. Why? Because you see Tidus, I got tired of pathetic scum like you dragging me down. Im a former IWF Champion damn it, you're nothing. And tonight, tonight I will prove just how much of a nothing you are. Tonight, I will prepare for the first fall of our match, the Street Fight, right here on the mean streets of Portland, Oregon.

Zidane takes his t-shirt and pants off to reveal his generic blue and white wrestling unitard. He does a couple of jumping jacks to prepare himself, and then begins shouting out.


But nobody answers him.


Suddenly five men approach Zidane. Three of them are african american, one of them is white, and the last one is asian.

Street Person-Ha ha ha look at this loser with the unitard.

Zidane suddenly grabs the guy who said that by the shirt, and then grabs the spot between his legs and gives him a body slam.

Zidane-I sure am a loser now arent I? Are you serious you want to fight me, because I will crush you.

The man, who is african american wearing one of those rough biker jackets and thick black jeans with a dakr blue t-shirt talks.

Street Person-Yeah man, come on, lets do it!

Zidane-If you insist.

The man runs and attempts to kick Zidane but Zidane simply grabs the mans leg and then gives the man a dragon screw for his efforts. Zidane, still holding the mans legs, does the sharpshooter, inflicting massive pain on the person. As he has the sharpshooter on the man, another man of the five, this time the asian one, runs at Zidane with a metal pipe. Zidane sees it coming, lets go of the sharpshooter, ducks the pipe swing, and gives the chinese man a quick superkick to the chin, knocking him out cold. Now only two african americans and the white man remain.

Zidane-Anyone else? Come on.

The three men leave, afraid of what Zidane will do to them.

Zidane-Wow would you look at that, I scared them stiff. But I'll give them credit, they knew not to fight a losing battle, unlike you Tidus, they're smart enough to withdraw knowing that there would be nothing to gain from fighting me but swift defeat.

Zidane lets out a sigh.

Zidane-If only you could be this smart Tidus, I could have taken Sunday night off and had fun, instead I'm going to have to kick your ass to prove my point. Now, theres still the two other falls, so lets move on.

-Scene Two-
Home Depot Store in Portland,Oregon
Thursday, July 24th, 2003
4:14 P.M. PAC

Zidane can be seen again, this time in one of America's most wellknown stores Home Depot, where you can get anything you need for, well, your home. Zidane is seen, wearing the same clothes he wore yesterday. The store is very populated, people everywhere, Zidane begins walking towards a certain section and talking.

Zidane-The second fall in our match, Tidus, is Triple Table. Someone's going to walk out of this fall in a hell of a lot of pain, and it wont be me son. Let me demonstrate to you how this will work. Just keep watching cousin, I know you are.

Zidane walks up to where a lot of tables can be seen, all types of tables. Big, small, fat, thin, all. Zidane approaches the man who works in this department and speaks to him.

Zidane-Hey you, yeah you, fatass with the orange Home Depot vest thing on, where can I get some good quality wooden tables.

Storeperson-Err...ummm...there over there.

The man points to a somewhat lengthy distance, however the wooden tables are in clear sight. Zidane begins walking over to where these tables lay. After a while of walking, he finally reaches the zone of the wodden tables.

Zidane-Like these tables Tidus? You're going to have to get used to them, because you'll be going through three of these babies come Pressure Point. Yup thats right, three. Just watch how its done.

Zidane calls out to a young man who was walking, examining some of the tables.

Person-Yo is this one of those, like, hidden camera shows, because if it is...

Zidane-Shut the hell up and listen to me. I need you to stand on top of this table.

Person-Err...okay, I guess. Will I get paid?

Zidane-We'll see. Now climb on up, time is money.

The person climbs up on top of the table and then Zidane climbs up on top with him.

Zidane-Now watch Tidus, watch how your cousin does things.

Zidane hits the guy with a quick but devastating knee to the stomach. He then grabs the guy's hair and pulls him towards him, and then grabs his arms, looking like he'll hit him with a Pedigree, except he throws the guy backwards and hits him with a backwards Pedigree, slamming him right through the wooden table. Zidane gets on up, brushes himself off, and looks at the guy.

Zidane-Heh heh, sorry buddy. Well, not really.

Zidane looks at the camera again.

Zidane-See that Tidus, that's what'll happen to you not once, not twice, but three times. Or maybe you'll get lucky, and I'll get lazy and just slam you through the damn commentators table to account for all three falls. Either way, pains heading right towards you. You can train and level up or what not all you want, it wont make the slightest bit difference, because I guess you could say Im at Level 100, maxed out stats, 9999 hp 9999 strength 9999 everything, and the pain thats coming towards you will be 9999% more than you've ever gone through.

Zidane lets out a sigh, regaining some lost oxygen from all that talking.

Zidane-Now, you could always get lucky, or pray long and hard for a miracle and actually get a fall on me, which means the match will go to our 3rd fall, the Xtreme Cage. This is the final part of our match, and the most dangerous.

-Scene Three-
Zoo in Portland, Oregon
Friday, July 27th, 2003
1:47 P.M. PAC

Zidane is seen once more, same clothes on and all, this time in the zoo, obviously, because there are all sorts of animals seen everywhere. From alligators to zebras, and the place is filled with people walking around, children with balloons, adults with popcorn or other assortments of foods in their hands.

Next to Zidane is someone dressed odd, because this man has sunglasses on when there isnt much sun and is holding a snowboard. Not only that but hes wearing a jacket and other snowboarder attire.

Zidane-This here is Xavier the Xtreme One, Tidus. He'll be the one demonstrating how much pain you'll be in at Pressure Point.

Xavier-I will? Like radical!

Zidane-Yeah, right, okay follow me.

Zidane walks on with Xavier following until Zidane approaches a desk with a man behind it, and behind the desk a huge vacant cage.

Zidane-Yeah, I'm Zidane, the guy who paid you off, so yeah, let me in, I'm the guy who wanted this vacant cage.

Deskman-Yeah yeah, go on.

The man opens the gate up and Zidane and Xavier walk on in. Zidane opens the cage up for Xavier who walks on in, and then Zidane enters the cage and closes the door.

Zidane-Xavier, I want you to climb up to the very top of the cage. Then fall down, and...uhh...just fall on me. You can do flips or whatever if you want.

Xavier-And Im getting paid for this, right?

Zidane-Yeah, sure you are buddy.


Xavier starts climbing up the cage, as Zidane continues speaking to the camera.

Zidane-Now Tidus, just imagine that Xavier up there is you, just watch.

Xavier climbs on up and reaches the very top of the cage, before jumping he shouts.


Xavier jumps off the cage. He does a couple of flips, but just as Xavier seems to fall right on top of Zidane, Zidane rolls away, and THUD Xavier lands right on the grassy field floor of the cage. Zidane gets up.

Zidane-See that Tidus? That'll be you, flat on your face like the pathetic loser that you are. Now watch how the real man does things.

Zidane now climbs on top of the cage. He keeps climbing until he reaches the top, and from there he jumps. Instead of doing any flips, Zidane just simply hits Tidus with a leg drop, hitting Xavier right on the neck. Zidane gets up and brushes himself off a little bit.

Zidane-See how I did it? Of course what I do to you will be a little more extreme, this was just a test drive you could say.

Zidane walks on out of the cage just as Xavier starts to get up.

Xavier-Dude that was so not cool man!

Zidane locks the cage door and calls out to the deskman.

Zidane-You can release the lions back into the cage now.

Deskman-But that guy...

Zidane-Dont worry about him, hes a trained stuntman, he'll be fine.

Zidane walks on towards the zoo's exit.

Zidane-So Tidus, I hope you were watching. What I did over the last three days is a three-in-one package of what will happen to your ass at Pressure Point. The three B'S, beaten, battered, and bloodied will be the three words that will define you after the night is over. After you look up at the lights of the Rose Garden and hear the ring announcer call out "And The Winner of this match, ZIDANE!" You'll live the rest of your life asking why, why did I go into this match. Hell I dont know. Why did I go into this match Tidus? Well cousin, I dont need a reason!

Zidane walks off as the scene fades to black.