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Victor's (New) Crazy Site

Things on Site

OK here is some links to some good sites

Halo2 Official Website
Red vs Blue (Funny as Hell)
AIM so we can chat
Homestarrunner and his
E-mail me
Get free music dwnlds
Halo2 forum

Ok I havent updated this thing in like a year so here goes. I am not into Yu-Gi-Oh anymore even though that was the original reason for this website to come about. Yes I do still like wrestling but that really has very little to do with this website except for the URL. Now I am a different person. I now am more involved in Halo2 and all that XBOX stuff. I also have taken up guitar. I do not believe that i am good and dont let anyone tell you otherwise. So more about this site. Well its like Halo2 wasn't as big when it was first released as it is now. Its like there is a Halo2 LAN Party every weekend almost. They are also releasing the Halo2 Map Pack which will have 9 new mutiplayer maps, all of the gameplay upgrades that you would have gotten over XBL, a documentary of the creation of these maps, and a short side story. Its coming out on July 5th and ive already got it reserved. As for guitar goes, I've been playing for about 8 months now and i think im ok. I cant really read music though. I just have to play off of tabs. I am currently working of learning to read music soon. So yeah that is my site and I plan on updating eventually.