. | . Record . | .
. | . Rp Info . | .
. | . Accomp . | .
. | . Hit List . | .

See this gorgeous layout? Yup, it's made by me Jayme. It wasn't made for you to take the codes from, and it wasn't made for you to even try and steal the idea. She doesnt have time to make people layouts, so stop asking her! She let me use it, why? Because I'm special, and because I'm a good friend od her's, ok? So dont bug her about one. Enjoy the rp, and if you dare steal anything on here, you'll get verbally assaulted by Chelle!

aol/aim: TenaciousJay18
e-mail: xsoscandalousx@yahoo.com
msn: tenaciousjj@hotmail.com
yahoo: none


¤ Forward ¤

Not long since Lita's return debut into the WWX, she has faced a few problems with one of her past rivals, Trish Stratus. Lita and Trish have argued viciously back and forth and finally faced off on Raw. After a back and forth battle, Lita ended with the win. Accomplishing exactly what she said she was going to do to Trish on Raw.

Trish has since kept her mouth pretty much shut about Lita. A few things slipping out in her promo, sparking Lita's interest once more. Now with the Women's Championship Tournament starting, and future tag team tournament, where Lita is to pair off with past partner, Jeff Hardy, what can be expected?

Now, this coming Raw as a part of the beginning stages of the Women's tourny, Lita takes on a friend of her's, Gail Kim. Lita says there is no mercy for this, and has gold in view. Questions remain, will it be Women's title belt gold....or tag championship gold?

¤ End of Forward ¤

The WWX cameras come in from a commercial break of Stacker 2 Lita. They immediately are taken to a house, when the front doors are suddenly opened. A sign saying "Earlier Today" appears in the corner. Lita sticks her head out adn grins, inviting them into her house. She sits down on her couch while Coach sits down, the camera man filming them as they get situated for the obviously planned interview. Lita waits for Coach

«°¤° |'Queen of Extreme' Lita| °¤°» Hey Coach, glad to see you made it.

«°¤° |'The One and Only' Coach| °¤°» Well it took a little while to find the place, but it's good to be here. Shall we begin?

«°¤° |'Queen of Extreme' Lita| °¤°» Certainly.

«°¤° |'The One and Only' Coach| °¤°» Ok, well first, we in the WWX have all recognized your debut, and it was definitely full of impact. We also know however, that in your short time you have dug up some problems with Trish Stratus?

«°¤° |'Queen of Extreme' Lita| °¤°» Oh please, that bitch isnt worth my time. You know, she claims I have a problem with everyone, and it's not true. She doesnt even know who I am, she has no place to talk. Trish says I complain? Hello, look at her. "Aw, Lita used my name in negative publicity, I dont like it", well guess what Trish, do I look like the type who really cares? Boob job or two? ha, if you think I had two, then you must of had four, because everyone knows your full of silicon. Now, most of this interview I am going to point out my problems to Trish. Just so she knows, Trish, I to have had enough of your shit. You said my shit stinks? haha, your comical, really you are. I mean how immature is it to spread lies about people who stink? I shower daily, something Trish has no concept of. But that doesnt matter. What matters is that Trish either needs to shut her mouth, or get taken out of this business. No one likes her. I mean, she says I have to team up with someone? Who? I trained Gail Kim you dumb bitch. She is not my partner. Stacy Keibler? It's called 'friends'. It was a thought of teaming up to take you and Stephanie McMahon out. I personally dont have that much against Stephanie, Stacy does. The only person I have a problem with around here is you. Yeah, in WWE we use to be friends. I stabbed you in the back? Yeah right. You just went off to degrade yourself, to try and be something your not. So you have no room to talk in that area.

«°¤° |'The One and Only' Coach| °¤°» Ok, well what about her comments on Team Extreme?

«°¤° |'Queen of Extreme' Lita| °¤°» She wants to jump on my back because I was in a stable team? Let her, I dont care. The Hardyz brought me into the WWE and they started me out in training, incase your that stupid, Trish. It's been told millions of times that they trained me. You? You didnt even come in this business a wrestler, but yet eye candy. How ironic, huh? Molly Holly didnt train you, yet you proceed to steal her moves. Everyone can see the obvious Trish. Your not capable of coming up with your own moves, so you steal others. Be original Trish. How lame are you? My god your so disappointing. You know, I watch your promo's and nearly fall over laughing. It sounds like you have some sort of speech inpedimant, or speech problem if you will. Trish, we all know your really insecure about yourself, and thats ok. But your wrestling standards? They arent on my level, no hard feelings.

«°¤° |'The One and Only' Coach| °¤°» How did you feel about her promo?

«°¤° |'Queen of Extreme' Lita| °¤°» How did I feel? How did I FEEL? Ha! It was hilarious. She is so childish. She doesnt know what to say, so she tries to blab on and on to make her promo longer so it looks good. Then she says my shit stinks? Please, not even my 7 year old fans bring that into their arguements at school. This woman really needs to grow up. Trish, you cant deny that you wear skimpy clothes, worse than anyone else around here. Everyone has seen it. You've even wrestled in those shorts that are basically letting your whole ass fall out, and those tops that show your cleavage. You got a breast ogmentation for your career? Now thats really pathetic. The only reason I seem to "complain" is because I'm doing it on everyone's behalf. Then you go on talking about how I can score a lay? Please Trish, I could if I wanted, if I wanted to be a whore then I could take your advice. but to me it seems you have experience in that area. ha, set yourself up yet again. Man, I feel sorry for the poor sap who has to team up with you for the tag tourny, which you probably didnt even know about. Obviously you dont care enough about your career to talk about anything else but me. Sure, I say a lot about her, she's my rival right now, but I do talk about other things, something Trish cant seem to do. I think I can kick everyone's ass? Yeah right, I never said that. But your ass? Yeah, I can...and I have too! So shut your mouth and save it for the time I kick your ass around this arena once again!

«°¤° |'The One and Only' Coach| °¤°» What about the Sable thing?

«°¤° |'Queen of Extreme' Lita| °¤°» Hm, well this is the alst question I'll answer on Trish, I'm tired of talking about that whore. But as far as the sable thing? Hello, you talked about her playboy and playing with herself or some shit like that. Thats just gross. Then you compliment her after you diss her. You dont even know how to compliment someone, which again is quite sad, especially for someone like you who has their master's degree in ass KISSING. Now moving on.

«°¤° |'The One and Only' Coach| °¤°» Your match with Gail Kim?

«°¤° |'Queen of Extreme' Lita| °¤°» Ah yes. Well, as I said yesterday in the ring, Gail Kim and I arent necessarily friends. We just trained together. I trained her and brought her here. Yet, she's been pretty much letting me down lately. She ahsnt even bothered with her debut yet. I mean, how am I to expect to much if she cant even bother to debut in the federation? Gail, well, I thought she was more responsible that this. But on Raw, we'll just have to see if she actually bothers to wrestle or not.

«°¤° |'The One and Only' Coach| °¤°» Do you think she's going to show up at all, and if not, where do you think she'll go?

«°¤° |'Queen of Extreme' Lita| °¤°» Well I never said she wasnt going to show up. I'm just saying it seems a possibility since she doesnt seem to take this federation very seriously. I hope she shows up, It would be a great fight. When Gail and I square off, it will be skill versus skill. Gail is a highly talented person. I wouldnt consider her a friend, nor would she me. Just acquintances. But if she doesnt, for some odd reason, show up...well, I have no idea where she'd be. I am just really hoping she does atleast try in this match. I'm ready for actual competition, if you get what I mean. hehe.

«°¤° |'The One and Only' Coach| °¤°» Hehe, yeah I get what you mean. What about some of the things Stacy Keibler said about you when she first joined here and made her debut well known?

«°¤° |'Queen of Extreme' Lita| °¤°» Well, obviously Stacy is still the great person she was before, very out-going, hehe. But um, she did say something along the lines of "Lita's good but I'm better"...well, it hasnt been proven yet. Stacy and I do get along pretty well and have taken under consideration, the thought of teaming against Trish and Steph...thats if their not shitting their pants by that time. Hopefully they'll accept it. Anyways, we'll see later if we can get along in the ring. But as far as anything goes, I think Stacy is great.

«°¤° |'The One and Only' Coach| °¤°» Ok, now I have some questions about the tag team tourny thats ahead, a few weeks from now. Your tagging with old team amte, Jeff Hardy. After seeing his comments yesterday, what do you have to say?

«°¤° |'Queen of Extreme' Lita| °¤°» Well Coach, this is a bit weird. He did bring up very many valid points in his promo. On a physical note, we're good to go, to fit that is. But it's more of a personal note thats the problem. He was right when he said he was unsure of some things and that we need to talking them out. If you may remember, in WWE I did get together with Matt, mistake number one. When the two starting fighting and we're breaking up, I did follow Matt. But I was torn between two people I cared about a lot. They both taught me what I know today, and I was forced to choose. I personally, didnt think Jeff wanted to burden of a manager with him, and Matt was depending on me to choose him, and well, I choose to take that path. Much after that I broke my neck and never got to talk to Jeff since then. Matt was a huge mistake, and he's all in the past. but now that Jeff and I are to team, I know it's very important for Jeff to win that tag titles, as for me too. Yeah, it's weird that I'm facing two guys with him, but we can manage that.

«°¤° |'The One and Only' Coach| °¤°» What about his other comments to the guys?

«°¤° |'Queen of Extreme' Lita| °¤°» Well, It was kind of him. I guess he still really looks out for me, from any real danger. I appreciate it. But I can handle it, it's really ok. I know Orton and Austin arent forgiving men and probably wouldnt think twice about striking at me, but I'm no clumsy, I can watch for it. I am goign into this match, takinga risk, well in away. Before, Jeff, Matt, and I teamed up against Triple H and Austin with Steph, and we got our asses kicked. I and Matt were brutally hit with chairs. But, now I'm not so naive about it. I know what Austin can do, I've experienced it first hand. This time, It wont happen. Jeff and I are going to go out there and kick ass. But before, we are goign to talk things out. I totally understand the turmoil about this. He's completely right, and we do need to work it out. I am actually going to the arena to find him after this interview. I do owe him an apology, I wasnt thinking of much else when all this took place, but not to leave them both out. But, turns out I went down the wrong road. But, I'm confident that Jeff and I will work through it and become successful in our match

«°¤° |'The One and Only' Coach| °¤°» Well Lita, thank you very much for the interview, and I wish you luck with Jeff and your match with Gail

«°¤° |'Queen of Extreme' Lita| °¤°» Thank you very much Coach, and your welcome

Lita stands up and straightens out her shirt and shakes Coach's hand, smiling as he thanks her again, she nods her head as to say 'Your Welcome'. Coach turns and the camera's follow as she grabs her keys and walks out the door, they cameras fade back to the arena. The then turn to the backstage area as suddenly to doors are pulled open and in steps the red head herself, with her gear bag over her shoulder. Lita shakes her hair behind her head and walks down the hall, delcining interviews as she walks along, obviously thinking of what her and Jeff need to talk through, this playing a big role right now for her. Lita wonders down the hall for a bit then stops to one of the stage directors.

«°¤° |'Queen of Extreme' Lita| °¤°» S'cuse me, where is Jeff Hardy's locker room?

«°¤° |'Busy Bee' Staff Member| °¤°» Oh, down corridor A, third locker room on the right. But I dont think he's there, I think he just stepped out.

«°¤° |'Queen of Extreme' Lita| °¤°» Oh it's ok, I'll wait for him.

Lita thanks the person and walks down the corridor, treading fingers through her hair as she gets to his locker room, knocking. No one answers so she opens the door and looks around, no one in there. She walks over to the couch placed in his locker room and sits down, waiting for Jeff to return.