
' S C R E W T H E R U L E S . . . P L A Y T H E G A M E '



RAW has been and gone for another week, and now the focus is once again on next weeks show. Although, at this point in time, all eyes are on the four men who will compete in the Mondays Main Event. Quite possibly, the four best RAW has got. Shawn Michaels.. Sean O'Haire.. Scott Hall.. & Triple H! .. Now, over the past two weeks, 'the Game' has proved to be ruthless; relentless; and at times, straight up SADISTIC! Especially when he's got a sledgehammer firmly in his grasps. Triple H has laid out everyone who has looked at him the wrong way, without being worried about any ramifications what-so-ever. With trish in his ear, the Cerebral Assasin seems more focused than ever, as in the last two weeks alone, he has taken it straight to Jeff Hardy and X-Pac, and left them both out of credit after 'Playing The Game'! .. He has his eyes set on the Heavyweight Title, and on the road to that very belt is many a bonus for those who are willing to take it. So far Triple H is leading the finance race with a couple of others, such as Sean O'Haire, Scott Hall and even HBK himself, Shawn Michaels. The Main Event this Monday see's Triple H team up with Scott Hall, who he has recently had some issues with. Triple H delivered the Pedigree on the unsuspecting Stacy Keibler last week, and no doubt, Scott Hall is looking for some revenge, but right now they have got to try and co-exist so they can "bring home the bacon" so to speak, this Monday Night. To do that, they'll have to dispose of a couple of RAW's prominent stars.. Sean O'Haire & Shawn Michaels.. however, with the sadistic side of Triple H coming into tuition as of late, the question has got to be asked.... is this game beatable? .. Is there any possible way the game can be ended? .. Or is it just like Hunter has said in the past? THIS GAME ...... IS ...... FOREVER!

' T R O O P 6 9 '-

The scene opens up outside a large white building, which has a sign out the front that reads: "ANGER MANAGEMENT". A long, black limosine slowly pulls up to the curb and comes to a halt. The driver get's out and straightens his suit, before walking to the back end of the limo, and opening the door. He stands there with a straight face holding the door open as the always sexy, Trish Stratus climbs out, followed by 'The Game' himself, Triple H. Trips doesn't looks very happy at all, as the driver closes the door behind them.. Triple H throws a glance back at the driver..

'The Game' Triple H: ' Don't go anywhere.. this shouldn't take too long.. '

'Chauffeur' Danny: ' Yes sir. '

Triple H then turns and puts his arm around Trish as they begin walking towards the complex. The cameras listen in on their conversation..

'100% Stratusfying' Trish Stratus: ' Hunter, are you sure you wanna go through with this? '

'The Game' Triple H: ' Trish.. I don't have a choice. It's either do the anger management class or pack my damn bags and head straight home! You heard what Shane said on the phone... my anger is causing "too many problems" backstage.. '

'100% Stratusfying' Trish Stratus: ' It's completely ridiculous.. you don't have an anger problem.. '

'The Game' Triple H: ' Try telling Shane that. '

Hunter opens the door as Trish walks inside the building. Triple H follows as they make their way up to the receptionists desk.

'Receptionist' Jenny: ' Hello sir, welcome to 3PF's Anger Management, how may I be of service? '

'The Game' Triple H: ' I uh.. I had a session with Dr. Floyyd '

She begins typing on a computer..

'Receptionist' Jenny: ' Your name sir? '

'The Game' Triple H: ' Paul.. Paul Levesque.. '

'Receptionist' Jenny: ' Ah, here we are. You're just in time Mr. Levesque, your session is just about to start. Room 4.. it's just down that corridor.. '

She points to a corridor on her right. Triple H turns to Trish..

'The Game' Triple H: ' Just wait here.. I shouldn't be too long.. '

Trish just nods and takes a seat in the waiting room, as Trips makes for Room Four. He reaches it after a few seconds, and enters a completely white room, with about four other people and a counselor. There is an empty white seat in between two guys. The counselor motions for him to take a seat, as he does. Triple H seems a little pissed off that he must attend the class, but he doesn't wanna risk his job.

'Counselor' Bob: ' Let's begin, shall we? '

He looks around the room, and points to an old guy who is wearing a striped shirt..

'Counselor' Bob: ' Why don't you start? What's your name? '

'Old Guy' ----: ' Pete. '

'Counselor' Bob: ' Okay.. and what makes you angry Pete? '

'Old Guy' Pete: ' Well... the thing is, I don't get no respect no more. I used to be a well-respected man of the community I live in, but not anymore. Now people think I'm some kind of joke. Kids don't respect me.. always poking fun. It stresses me out real bad.. and then.. then I just can't help it... I explode with rage.. '

Triple H seems.. offbeat as he frowns..

'Counselor' Bob: ' Hmmm.. Does anyone have any advice for Pete? '

'The Game' Triple H: ' Yeah. Here's some advice old man... go and crawl back under the rock you came from. You're just like an old friend of mine.. you just don't get it. The reality of what's happenning, somehow escapes you. You're just like Shawn Michaels... you can't live with the fact that your time is over! You can't stand the fact that once again, you're a nobody! .. It's people like you that make me sick.. you try and prolong your agonising glory. It's time you.. just like Shawn Michaels.. FACED FACTS! .. Whatever you once had is gone.. now, you're reduced to nothing.. you're destined to take a long walk off a short bridge. You need to step down, and accept reality. Nobody gives a damn about you anymore... so just give it up! '

The old man looks like he's about to have a freakin' heart attack..

'Counselor' Bob: ' I don't really think that was necesarry... '

'The Game' Triple H: ' Oh, you don't think it was necesarry, huh? Well guess what? I don't really give a crap what you think! .. Do you have any earthly idea who the hell I am? .. I'm Triple H... the best the game of life has to offer! .. It's guys like him who hold the rest of us back from society! '

'Counselor' Bob: ' Yes, well.. let's move on shall we? .. You.. what's your name? '

'Young Guy' ----: ' Fred.'

'Counselor' Bob: ' And why are you here Fred? '

'Young Guy' Fred: ' Don't ask me dude, my girl made me come. She says anger comes too naturally to me. I dunno... she thinks it's wrong that I beat her up if she won't give me none.. but we all know that's bullshit. If a girl don't wanna give you none, then you gotta' make her give you some right? I'm just doin' it like a true playa' dawg.. just like a true playa.. '

'Counselor' Bob: ' You beat up your girlfriend? ... Why do you think that is? I mean, it must be more the just for the fact she won't.. "put out".. as you kids say.. '

'Young Guy' Fred: ' I dunno man.. it just feels good.. '

'Counselor' Bob: ' Hmm, I see... and why do you think that is? '

The young guy goes to reply but Trips cuts him off..

'The Game' Triple H: ' I'll tell you EXACTLY why that is. It's because he's a peice of crap! You know who you remind me of? Sean O'Haire. Young, Cocky, Confident... so into yourself that you're blind to the fact that you're just a thorn in the side of the game we play. Ya see, life is a game. It's like one big game of chess... you're just a pawn. You're there to be sacrificed.. nothing more.. nothing less. You're there to be annihilated for the good of the game.. only there to take up space on the board. You think that just because you have youth.. you have it all. All you wanna do it hit bitches and smoke pot... and that's fine, because you know why? You'll be the one laying dead in the gutter by the time you're twenty five. Unlike me... because I have a purpose. This game was made for a reason.. so that I could conquer it.. and I plan on doing exactly that, by weeding out all the trash.. just like you! '

Fred seems insulted as he jumps to his feet..

'Young Guy' Fred: ' Dawg, don't'chu ever judge me! ... you don't even know me! .. step on up, I'll kick your ass right now! '

'The Game' Triple H: ' No, here's a better idea. Don't push me. If you want your ass kicked, then fine. But think about what you ask for. I eat guys like you for breakfast. As far as I'm concerned people like you.. people like Sean O'Haire are just like glitches in MY GAME! .. If you want an ass kicking that bad, then go do your little street thug impression somewhere like New York. I don't have time to waste on guys like you. You're nothing to me.. a pure nobody. I don't give a about who you are.. or what you do.. because you will always be below me on the food chain. I am superior in every single way you can possibly imagine. You screw with this game, and it'll be Game Over before you can count to ten... and in this game.. it's my rules.. and there are no credits! '

Fred just looks around at the others dumbfounded.. then back at Triple H who gives him an ice cold stare..

'Young Guy' Fred: ' Yo man, whatever.. I don't need this shit.. I'm out.. '

He walks out of the room, leaving the counselor a bit confused as Triple H leans back in his chair...

'Counselor' Bob: ' Okay, we'll just... continue without Fred. How about you sir? name? '

'Middle Aged' ----: ' Bill. '

'Counselor' Bob: ' Well Bill, what bring you to us here today? '

'Middle Aged' Bill: ' Well... I'm currently trying to give up alcohol. Ya see, everytime I drink alcohol, I go into blind fits of rage... and I just can't help myself. I try and stop it but I can't. And the urge to drink alcohol is always there.. it's like a fire burning inside of me, that I can't put out.. I j.. '

Triple H can't take anymore as he rips into Bill....

'The Game' Triple H: ' How stupid are you people?! ... God damn, I feel like I'm in a circus. Look, I'm gonna' solve your problem right now... you're an idiot. It's that simple. You're just like Scott Hall. You're having trouble dealing with the fact that you're a huge alcoholic. Gin and Tonic .. Coke and Rum.. it just doesn't matter to you guys, does it? Scott Hall has always claimed to be the bad guy.. and he's right.. he is the bad guy.. and why? Because he's bad at everything he does.. let's face it.. he flat out SUCKS at everything he does. And it's because of he's drinking problem. Scott is another one of those alcoholics trying to make a cheap living. All he wants money for is to buy more booze. It's guys like him who fail miserably when they play MY GAME.. when they step onto MY TURF! .. This game is one that's played with fear and anger... Scott's biggest fear is his own self.. his drinking problem fuels his anger.. put two and two together and you have a raging alcoholic with nothing in his life but misery and failure! '

Bill is almost in tears after listening to Triple H... the counselor can't take anymore..

'Counselor' Bob: ' Okay, now that's enough! '

'The Game' Triple H: ' NO! '

Triple H is livid as he jumps to his feet and gets in the counselors face..

'The Game' Triple H: ' I'll tell you when it's enough! ... I've been sitting here for ten damn minutes, and already I've been able to compare three of the world biggest morons, to three of wrestlings "supposed" elite. Scott Hall, Shawn Michaels, Sean O'Haire.. they're all the same. It's like 2+2 you idiot.. it's that damn simple. They all like to talk big, but play it small. They all like to be loud and heard, but deep down they're scared. They're really scared. They're so scared they've got satan sending mpostcards to heaven! What are they scared of? REALITY! .. MY REALITY! They know deep down inside, that the game is only just begginning! They know that only the first few levels have been previewed and that the sock and awe chapters are yet to be written! .. I play with an iron fist... I destroy anything in my path! '

He scruffs the counselor by the collar as everyone else bails out... Triple H goes nose to nose with the guy..

'The Game' Triple H: ' As far as I'm concerned, I'm already on the path to Greed. There's three road bloacks in my path... what will I do? ... I'll tell you EXACTLY what I'll do! .. I will do what I have always done throughout my career when there has been a road block.. I will knock it down! .. NOTHING can stop me! .. I'm like cockroaches.. after everything else is gone, I'll still be here... I'll still be standing at the top of the mountain.. because the reason I rule the game is for the simple fact that I CREATED IT! .. It's MINE! .. MY WORLD! .. MY REALM.. MY RULES.. MY DIMENSION! ... It's everything I have worked so damn hard for.. and I will not sit by and watch three assholes take that from me! .. Take a good look.. because right here and now.. you are looking at the very first.. APW Heavyweight Champion! ... Not just because I am THE GAME!.. and not just because I am THAT DAMN GOOD! .. But because.. just like I said before... I'm also.... '


Whoa! Triple H just threw the counselor head first into the wall! .. He's out cold! .. Triple H storms out of the room, and past the receptionist area. He grabs Trish by the hand on the way past as they make their way to the limo..

'100% Stratusfying' Trish Stratus: ' How'd it go babe? '

'The Game' Triple H: ' Let's just put it like this... I'm more ready than ever to do what I've always done... '


The scene slowly fades out as they hop into the limosine...