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Role-Play # Next Victim(s) Brock's Record Last Week
# 1 Hogan and Jones W : 00 D : 00 L : 00

vs. N/A

Acheivements - None yet

Beaten Opponents - No-one Yet!

Aiight, Disclaimers suck.. but what the hell.. I(Will Minor - © Chill Factory Inc.) made this RP layout for Dave.. the Brock Lesnar of XWO... and unless I.. or he.. gives you permission to use it.. fuck off! There.. settled.



::The scene opens up in Minneapolis, Minnesota, the hometown of the Next Big Thing. The sun is shining, with a breeze of wind. The scene is then directed to a building which read "Minnesota Wrestling." A moment passes by, and then we see the fimiliar Lexus RX 300 pull up. Another moment passes by, as the luxurious car is parked. The driver's door swings open, following the passanger's door, and out steps the reigning Gimmick Champion, Brock Lesnar, and none other than the man of the hour, Paul Heyman. Paul and Brock make there way towards the building as Paul says.::

"The Evil Genius" Paul Heyman: So Brock, this is where you learned how to wrestle, to become an NCAA Champion? Doesn't look too special to me.

"The Next Big Thing" Brock Lesnar: Paul, the only thing that looks special to you is a Cheesburger! Anyways, yeah, this is the place that taught me how to wrestle. This is where it all started for the next big thing. Let's go inside. I wanna see if any of my old coaches are still here.

::Brock and Paul enter the old lookin' building. As they enter, Paul's jaw drops as he the stair case. About 10 floors. Brock then says.::

"The Next Big Thing" Brock Lesnar: Well, my training room was way at the top. Let's go.

::Brock begins jogging up the stairs as Paul still looks in disbelief. He then says.::

"The Evil Genius" Paul Heyman: God, there has to be an elevator somewhere around here.

:: Paul then begins to make his way up the stair case. Twenty minutes pass, as Paul finally reaches the top, breathing heavily, as Brock is standing there impatiently. He then says.::

"The Next Big Thing" Brock Lesnar: What the hell took you so long? A turtle could have gotten here faster than your fat ass.

"The Evil and Fat Genius" Paul Heyman: Let me tell you, they should add an elevator somewhere here. So, is this the room?

"The Next Big Thing" Brock Lesnar: Yeah, it hasn't changed one bit. Let's see if anyone is inside.

::Brock knock on the door, as screaming is heard inside the room. Fear strikes Paul's face as bones being broken are heard. Paul then says.::

"The Evil Genius" Paul Heyman: I think we got the wrong place. We mistakened the wrestling school with a SLAUGHTER HOUSE. Lets get the hell out of here.

"The Next Big Thing" Brock Lesnar: NO PAUL! I have to get ready for my match against Hogan and Jones. Hogan, he has 24 inch pythons, but he's not the Next Big Thing. Infact, it was me who took out Hulk Hogan in WWE. And Nathan Jones. Just because he's big, is that supposed to be impressive? He may be big, but he can't wrestle. After I'm done with them, they will know why I am the next big thing!

:: The door is then opened as an old man peaks his head out. He then opens the door up and says.

Old Man: Sal Vandini, wanna wrestle?

"The Evil Genius" Paul Heyman: Sal Vandini? Who the hell is this guy?

"Old Man" Sal: Your daddy!

"The Evil Genius" Paul Heyman: Yeah, whatever. Anyways, we're here to train this big guy here. Can you help out?

"Old Man" Sal: Yeah sure. One second, I'm finishing up with the local highschool wrestling team. One sec.

::The local highschool wrestling team walks out, beat up, casts on there arms, and bandages on there bodies. As each walk by, Sal says. ::

"Old Man" Sal: Get out of here, you bunch of wussies. You embarass me!

::The wrestling team leaves as Sal attracts his attention to Brock, and says.::

"Old Man" Sal: Yeah, I've seen you on T.V. Your big, strong, and powerful, but you don't know jack shit about wrestling. Step into my office, shall we?

::Sal, Brock, and Paul enter the room. Inside the room, is like a mini arena. You have the ring and some seats nearby. Sal then gets in the ring and says. ::

"Old Man" Sal: Ok, your main problem is that you use the same variety of moves in every damn match. Nobody wants to see the same stuff. They want to see new, more extreme things. Hey big guy, get in the ring.

::Brock un-zips his jacket, revealing a tank top underneath, which shows his enormous arms. Brock, without hesitation, steps into the ring, as Sal says.::

"Old Man" Sal: Ok, hit me.

::Brock stands there, a bit confused.

"Old Man" Sal: Ok, let's try that again. Hit me.

::Brock replies saying.::

"The Next Big Thing" Brock Lesnar: I don't think that's such a good idea.

::Anger strikes Sal's face as he says as he yells.::

"Old Man" Sal: DAMN IT ::pushes Brock.:: HIT ME!

"The Next Big Thing" Brock Lesnar: If you say so.

::Brock then clocks the old man as he falls to te ground. Brock then picks up the old man, and delivers the F5! Paul then says.::


"The Next Big Thing" Brock Lesnar: The old man was beginning to piss me off. Plus, I wanted to show an example to Hogan and Jones. That example is to never...


"The Next Big Thing" Brock Lesnar: Hogan, you may have been a legend, but now, your washed up. No-one wants to see you anymore, frankly because your too old to wrestle. What you did in the WWE means nothing here in the XWO. And Nathan Jones. You may have done your time in prison, but your gonna wish they never let you out after I get through with you. Hogan and Jones, YOU CAN'T STOP THE NEXT BIG THING! Now lets get the hell out of this place.

::The scene fades as Brock and Paul leave the building.:: .::