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/X\ XW Owner HZM /W\ HZM- The XW owner!

/X\ H-Pit /W\
/X\ SuperKick /W\
/X\ Flying Elbow /W\
/X\ Cruel Intensions /W\
This layout was made by my friend Lita, at LitaXTreme4Life@hotmail. Enjoy!
{/X\}End Of Disclaimer {/W\}
Roleplay Title:
Next Match:
People Used:
People Mentioned:

Fades Back From Commercials (hZm is seen walking in the hallway with Torrie. Torrie then walk's into the womans locker room. hZm continues walking down the hallway. He bumps into Stephanie.)

hZm: Hey Steph, where you goin?

Steph: Ummmmmm, lemme think... The Diva's locker room!

hZm: Yeah I guess that was a stupid question.

Steph: Where are you goin?

hZm: To the ring...

(Crowd cheers)

hZm: You wanna come?

Steph: No thanks. Hey about that kiss the other day...

hZm: Gotta go.

(hZm walks away.)

Steph: But...

JR: Did you hear that! hZm is coming to the ring! What's he gunna talk about?

King: WHO CARES JR! Did you see Stephanie's poppies!? They're huge!

JR: Think about you age!

(Then the lights fade out. Then "I Dont Care about anyone or anything but me!" is heard on the PA's. Piro comes outta the set and Tear Away plays. hZm walks down the ramp and slides into the ring. hZm goes to the turnbuckle and the fan's take pics. He grabs a mic and begins to talk.)

hZm: Its been a while since ive come out here and talked about a match. Well im here to talk about the match of a life time. The most xtreme, hardcore, match ever. Its so brutal that the skin will be ripped off 4 peoples backs. Hence the name Brutality Battle Royal. Now to the what 7 people that are in the BBR with me lemme just give you a warning. I WONT SHOW ANY MERCY! This goes to the guy that put me out of action! You know who you are. I know who you are. And some of these fans know who you are. Im gunna make sure you lose the Battle Royal. But first before I get to you I have to beat 5 other people!

JR: Thats means he's gunna have to get in the title match! Which means...

King: HardKore Hardy's the guy who put him out!!!

hZm: After all the shit ive been threw you think im scared of you? Ill kill you! Well not really. But I will hurt you pretty bad. But Hardko...

(The light's flicker and freaky music play's. The Team-187 logo is seen on the XTron. When the lights come back hZm's not in the ring.)


Fades Back From Commercials

(hZm is seen backstage. Then Baker walks by see looks at hZm.)


hZm: AH Shit! My ears!

Baker: What happined! I thought you are kidnapped by a child molester!

hZm: WHAT? Hey Baker its tea time!

Baker: I almost forgot!

(Morpheus walks up to Baker.)

Morpheus: Baker have you been taking you medication?

Baker: Yes!

Mopheus: BAKER!???

Baker: No.

hZm: No wonder.

/X\ XWrestling /W\ /X\Owner/W\ </X\ HZM /W\ /TH>